VMRO-DPMNE will form a coalition based on electoral programs, and not on ultimatums, opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski said in response to the demands from the DUI party that demands an ethnic Albanian to be named the next Prime Minister.

All parties that believe their programs to be close to the program of VMRO-DPMNE are welcome in coalition talks, but not those who place ultimatums and make statements that belong to the previous century. The program of our winning coalition will be the basis for any coalition talks, Mickoski said.

The DUI statement was aimed primarily at SDSM. The two parties are currently fighting for the votes of the ethnic Albanians, as SDSM continues to lose its base of support among ethnic Macedonians. But the demand also gave a rare opportunity to Zaev to play the nationalist card, as he insisted that he rejects the proposal.