The USB flash drive that was mentioned about a month ago by VMRO-DPMNE’s Secretary General in a message addressed to outgoing Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, according to information available to the “Infomax” news portal, is a USB that contains a recording in which the name of Zoran Zaev is mentioned.

And that recording deeply incriminates the prime minister, as well as some senior police officials from the previous government, the news portal writes.

Одговарајќи на новинарски прашања, претседателот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Христијан Мицкоски денеска не ги потврди шпекулациите во јавноста дека спорното УСБ заведено под број НСКРО 74/17 се наоѓа во Обвинителството на Рускоска и дека било пронајдено при претрес кај еден од осомничените во случајот „Рекет. Сепак, Мицкоски потврди дека истите шпекулации стигнале и до него.

Answering journalists’ questions, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickovski today did not confirm public speculation that the disputed NSKRO 74/17 – USB is at Ruskoska’s Prosecutor’s Office and that it was found during a search of one of the suspects in the “Racket” case. However, Mickoski confirmed that he was informed about that speculation.

I have also heard that there is a USB flash drive registered under NSKRO 74/17 at the Prosecution  and that there are a lot of things that the Macedonian public may have to deal with. Speculation goes so far that the flash drive was found during a search of one of the suspects in the “Racket” case. But all this is at the level of speculation and I have no confirmed information. If this is true, then it is another defeat for the Macedonian prosecution and the Macedonian judiciary and proof that they have been reformed by, as Zoran Zaev used to say, Swarovski in Louis Vuitton judiciary, Mickoski said.

Source: Infomax