In his latest column, journalist Branko Geroski, among other things, refers to the so-called “special treasury” that existed in the SPO, which was run by Katica Janeva.

According to my information, the Special Prosecutor’s Office also had a so-called. special treasury. There used to be such treasuries at the MoI and the secret police, as well as at the Intelligence Agency. These were treasuries that were filled by various sources (from confiscations, money from bribery and the like) and were emptied by police officials and chiefs, often without formal decisions and explanations, to their liking. Several officials in the past have been suspected of abusing such special treasuries. I have heard that Katica Janeva ran such a special treasury at the SPO, but that also other colleagues of her benefited from the treasury. So I ask the authorities, whoever they are – can the people be told if there was such a treasury, how much money was in it, who ran it, how much money was spent and who benefited the most from it? Because I doubt that Katica Janeva will speak about this in court, Geroski wrote.