For the coalition partner in government Ali Ahmeti, the choice of Hristijan Mickoski Dragan Kovacki to head the MoI is quite justified. After meeting with Mickoski in Parliament, Ahmeti said that he was a professional, not known as a political activist in civilian life. DUI leader assessed that Kovacki is a good solution for both MoI and peace and security.

DUI has officially said that political parties should be left to have autonomy and responsibility to nominate candidates for various positions.

Procedural aspects should be decided by the competent institutions, not the parties. Consideration should be given to evaluating the relevant institutions, while respecting the principle that political parties should have autonomy and responsibility to nominate candidates for various positions, DUI said.

However, Mickoski’s proposal faced opposition from SDSM, and the public is not surprised by Zaev’s party response. It is expected that in these four days Zaev will use all the available trump cards to postpone the formation of the interim government on January 3, and thus the elections scheduled for April 12.

Opinion polls have the answer – what the SDSM leader also knows is that VMRO-DPMNE has a significant advantage over SDSM in those polls. Hence, rejecting Kovacki as proposal at the moment is the only way out for the outgoing prime minister to postpone his political retirement.