The census is incomplete, statistically incorrect and inaccurate, former MP Ilija Dimovski reacted yesterday, emphasizing that 21.49% of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are not registered. Today, through the examples of the population in Gostivar and Tetovo with the data from the census in 2002, he emphasizes again that the conducted census and the results are incorrect.


Gostivar in 2002 had 81,042 inhabitants

Gostivar in 2022 has 59,770 inhabitants

Gostivar decreased by 21,272 inhabitants

Gostivar decreased by 21.8%

Tetovo in 2002 had 86,580 inhabitants

Tetovo in 2022 has 84,770 inhabitants

Tetovo decreased by 1,810 inhabitants

Tetovo decreased by only 2%

🟥 Gostivar and Tetovo are cities with similar or the same economic, social, ethnic, religious and linguistic structure…

🟥 Gostivar decreased by 26.2% 

🟥 Tetovo decreased by only 2%