SDSM leader Zoran Zaev invited the far left Levica party to bolster his narrow coalition majority. After a fiery speech by Boris Krmov, one of the two Levica members of Parliament, who denounced Zaev for his economic policies which he said are geared toward the rich, Zaev replied that there is no difference in their policies, other than Levica’s rejection of NATO.

I don’t know why your party stays in the opposition. We can cooperate nicely in the Government, Zaev told the leftist populists who were being denounced by his own party activists for weeks after Levica leader Dimitar Apasiev tweeted a threat to shoot political opponents.

Zaev’s SDSM is the official heir to the Macedonian Communist Party and tries to portray itself as a socialist party with the incessant minimum wage increases, a botched attempt to introduce progressive taxation and the side it is taking in the culture wars.
Levica marched with Zaev during his 2015 Colored Revolution, and supported the demands to deal with the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party using show-trials, but then parted with Zaev as it became apparent that the call for “justice and accountability” was just a way to get SDSM into power and effect a deeply unpopular name change. Levica rejected the imposed name change and opposes Macedonia’s NATO membership.

Zaev hopes to have his next Government elected tomorrow with a coalition that has a majority of just one vote over the bare minimum.