SDSM got a ‘yellow card’ from citizens and getting a red one depends on how well we’ll listen to them. Dear citizens, I’m asking you to give the country a chance to move forward instead of going back. I’m asking you to unite around this clear, common goal. For the sake of everything we’ve achieved, I’m asking you to unite in the face of risk of backsliding, Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said during a press conference on Wednesday.

He thanked the partners from the government coalition who, as he stated, today throughout the day clearly said that they remain together on the democratic and European path and reaffirmed their commitment to the country to continue moving forward.

We continue to work together committed for the sake of the citizens. But we have another challenge in front of us, the citizens sent us clear criticism, a warning, I would say a punishment, we listen to that attitude, that voice, we understand and acknoledge it, emphasized Zaev.