In the surreal hour long series of conversations which Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus had with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev while pretending to be Ukrainian President Petro Porosenko, at one point the fake “Porosenko” offers Zaev to expand his chocolate business in Macedonia. Zaev, who himself has cannabis, food and construction materials businesses, offers to privately help Porosenko expand his chocolate business in the Balkans.

– I want to talk to you about, I have also business, chocolate business in Ukraine and I would also like to develop it in your country

– Very good.

– Maybe to build some manufactures.

– Please come to me, even privately, not only officilaly like this.

– Benefits are… I have… It’s on my own.

Zaev was called out for the exponential growth of the businesses ran by his family following his power grab in 2017 and was asked whether he is trying to muscle in as subcontractor in a large copper mine, which has since faced the threat of being closed down.