Multiplying the revenues of the rising empire, which Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is building at the expense of selling national interests, will continue with the sale of Goce Delcev.

These days, the statements about the giving up on Goce Delcev are becoming more frequent, both from the authorities in Bulgaria who continue with the narrative and the conditions that “nothing costs Zaev”, to agree with the conditions of Sofia, as well as Zaev’s statements that after the name everything is easier, probably for giving up.

That Zaev will reach an agreement over Goce Delcev with Bulgaria is more than clear. In fact, the price for that will probably be the continuation of the business interests that exist in Bulgaria and the thick monetization of the same in millions of euros.

If we recall how much the name cost, the Greek media reported two years ago on the alleged business that the then Deputy Prime Minister of Zaev, Kocho Angjusev had with the Greek authorities by selling his company to the Greek power company. Angjusev did not say how much the sale of the company cost and whether it was money for accepting the positions for changing the name, for which while Zaev negotiated the bargains with the then Greek government, the money went to the accounts of his deputy prime minister.

The questions remained how much money was cashed in and how much business interests Zaev was pursuing with the Greek authorities ahead of the name change.

Пред една година пак во јавноста се појавија документи од постоечки фирми на Заев во соседната Бугарија, која исто како Грција пред две години, сега инсистира и врши притисок за откажување од Гоце Делчев.

The questions remained how much money was cashed in and how much business interests Zaev was pursuing with the Greek authorities in anticipation of the name change.

A year ago, documents from Zaev’s existing companies appeared in the public in neighboring Bulgaria, which, like Greece two years ago, now insists and puts pressure on Goce Delcev to resign.

The Zaev family according to the trade register of Bulgaria, from companies in Bulgaria that they own are companies of Radisa Bojovic Zaev, son-in-law of Zoran Zaev, cousin of Zoran Zaev, Trajce Zaev and his brother Vice Zaev. Trajce Zaev owns the company “Gomasidra” which operates in Bulgaria, and it is a co-owner of “Orient Trade” together with Vice Zaev. Radisa Bojovic Zaev owns the company “Radisa Trade”.

There is no doubt that Zaev has connections with the Bulgarian government for the success of his businesses in Bulgaria, which are estimated at hundreds of millions of euros in revenue. Zaev neither denied nor confirmed the current accounts of his family’s businesses and companies in neighboring Bulgaria. In fact, why would Zaev invest in a “friendly country”, if business does not flourish there.

The question now for how much money will Zaev bargain for Goce Delcev? Will he ask for a million euros more or less for the market with Bulgaria, which is under negotiation, or a little less millions because this is an “easier agreement”, than the name, as he says.