Zoran Zaev is the head of the criminal octopus. Zoran and Vice Zaev met with Katica Janeva and Zoran Mileski – Kiceec. This was also confirmed by Zaev himself, who admitted that he knew and did not report the suspicious financing of 1TV and the racketeering carried out through the medium, VMRO-DPMNE said.

VMRO-DPMNE points out that Zoran and Vice Zaev had meetings with the defendants and convicts in the “Racket” case in June and July. What were they talking about and is that why Janeva’s arrest was delayed until the end of the summer!?

Zoran Zaev is a direct helper, and therefore an accomplice in “Racket”. Zaev knew from the evidence that came out in the media that it was pure racketeering. In addition, we heard in the tapes that Zaev was personally involved in advertising and helping Boki 13’s TV station. Zoran and Vice Zaev are directly involved in the network with Katica Janeva, Boki 13 and Zoran Mileski – Kiceec. The prosecution and the judiciary are in direct connection with Zaev and therefore the tapes of Vice Zaev’s meetings with the convicted Kiceec are without audio. That is why the Public Prosecutor’s Office does not summon Zaev. The case is being channeled and attention diverted from Zoran and Vice Zaev, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement.