The scandals are affecting the international credibility of the country and the failure to manage the epidemic is leading to human suffering and job losses, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during his meeting today with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung director for Macedonia Daniel Braun.

Mickoski’s office said that he and Braun discussed the current political and economic situation and that Mickoski pointed to the daily reel of criminal and corruption scandals that are devastating the image Macedonia enjoys internationally.

Each day brings a scandal linked to top officials of the Government which is taking its toll on the Republic of Macedonia. I’m concerned that the mafia passports scandal could roll back the visa free travel regime Macedonian citizens enjoy within Europe, which could bring the country a dozen steps back, instead of advancing its EU accession process. The lack of accountability on the part of government officials only proves that the Government is in league with the criminals, Mickoski said during the meeting, adding that VMRO-DPMNE remains firm in its strategic goal that Macedonia becomes a full member of the EU.

The party also informed that VMRO-DPMNE and KAS will continue to intensify their cooperation that means building up the capacity of the party.