It is a scandal that the new employments in the Ministry of Interior are without a public call and it is obvious that it is an attempt by the ruling SDSM to take care of its candidates for mayors who lost in the previous local elections, Marija Miteva, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson said on Monday.

“Regretfully, this is just more evidence of DUI and SDSM’s principles of governing: nepotism, personal interests, party-backed employment in the administration, and lots of crime”, she said.

Miteva also addressed MP Martin Kostovski’s misdemeanor penalty, which VMRO-DPMNE considers insufficient. Kostovski was prosecuted by the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC} for exerting his influence as an MP to employ his wife in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“A complete restart of the system is needed! We need this corrupt Government to leave, so we can start applying genuine values, based on the merit system”, Miteva concluded.