Poland’s Prime Minister is the host and tour guide of the latest country branding film about Poland. Mateusz Morawiecki has also attended the documentary’s premiere at Wieliczka. In order to make the film titled “Poland: The Royal Tour,” directed by Peter Greenberg, the Polish National Foundation has partnered with the American Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), V4NA writes.

PBS’s television series titled The Royal Tour has already featured several countries, including Mexico, Israel and Jordan. The nearly one-hour documentary about Poland presents several Polish cities and towns such as Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow, Wieliczka, Gdynia and Malbork, as well as the natural wonders of the Holy Cross Mountains and historic sites like the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The footage was recorded in 2018, and director Greenberg said his intention was to show that Poland is a colourful, modern and friendly country. The filmmakers also considered it important to present both the past glory of the country and the modern, open state with a huge development potential.

Greenberg emphasized that the film was primarily produced for foreign audiences, arguing that prejudices still exist about Poland in the USA and Western Europe which make it difficult to build a positive image of the country. The film was made with an “American momentum” using drones, helicopters, planes, sailboats and even warships to record the footage.

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