Tag: gambling
Economy 16.04.24 | 22:38

Taravari promises to ban gambling and the easy credit industry

VLEN presidential candidate Arben Taravari announced that, after being elected, he will ban gambling and the booming easy credit industry that is rife with fraud. I witnessed the large number of casinos in Struga, as well as the fast credit banks. I see how harmful they are to the economy and the citizens...

Macedonia 07.04.23 | 17:08

Artan Grubi and Austrian gambling interests are behind the new slot machine company

The state lottery company registered a new daughter company, in cooperation with the Austrian gambling giant HTL. The move is reportedly coordinated by the powerful First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, after his DUI party initially tried to form a separate state lottery. The new company will be called...

Macedonia 29.01.21 | 12:06

Albanian parties take on the gambling industry

Under pressure from conservative Muslim politicians, the Zaev Government is preparing a law that would close down casinos and other gambling venues from operating within 500 meters from an educational institution. The huge gambling industry in Macedonia, that centers around sports betting and slot machines...

Macedonia 22.01.20 | 11:24

Macedonian Lottery bought gambling machines worth a total of 14 million EUR from a Bulgarian company

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Ilija Dimovski criticized the public procurement of gambling machines worth nearly 7 million EUR ahead of the elections. The contracts were ordered by the Macedonian Lottery, a state run gambling operation which is managed by the Government. It signed contracts with a...