Sunday, 23 June 2024
Macedonia 23.06.24 | 23:12

The new Government

The Government Hristijan Mickoski led Government that was elected this evening includes 24 ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers. Pance Toskovski will resume his role as Interior Minister, Timco Mucunski will be the next Foreign Minister and Gordana Kocoska Dimitrieska is the next Finance Minister. Aleksandar...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 23:07

Storm causes flooding in Tetovo

Torrential rains caused flooding across Tetovo this afternoon. Villages along the Vardar river were especially badly hit. In Siricino firefighters are working to save a family that was stuck in their home. The city and its valley were also hit by hail. Due to unplanned development, the city of Tetovo...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 23:02

Parliament votes in the new Government

After a debate lasting two days, the Parliament this evening voted in the next Government, led by VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. The list Mickoski proposed received 77 votes in favor, from VMRO, VLEN and ZNAM and 22 representatives were opposed. With this, DUI and SDSM are officially going...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 15:53

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on all our citizens who are in Lebanon to leave this country

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on all our citizens who are in Lebanon to leave this country at the first possible opportunity due to the deteriorating security situation. The MFA also appeals to postpone all non-essential trips to Lebanon. There is a possibility of further worsening of the situation,...

News 23.06.24 | 13:00

Restoring trust in institutions, eliminating corruption, rule of law, economic progress – priorities of the new government

The session of the Assembly for the election of the new government, proposed by the mandate holder and leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, should continue today, and the voting will follow after the end of the session, at midnight at the latest. The government will be elected if the majority of...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 11:49

LIVE: The parliamentary session for the election of the new government

The session for the election of the new government, proposed by the mandate holder and leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, continued in the Parliament this morning. Voting will follow after the end of the search, at midnight at the latest. The government will be elected if the majority of the...

Sport 23.06.24 | 09:10

Albanian nationalist player who insulted Macedonia issued a non-apology

Mirlind Daku, the Albanian football player who lead the fans in Euro 2024 in Germany in chants against Macedonia and a host of other countries, now faces being punished by his team – the Russian Rubin Kazan. The Albanian team will face penalties at the championship after Daku shouted “f…...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 08:56

Low interest among SDSM party members for the leadership election

Today is the last deadline for SDSM party members to register to vote in the upcoming leadership election that will take place on June 30th. So far, reports are that there is little interest among the party base, that is demoralized by the double defeat in the presidential and the general elections which...