Monday, 1 July 2024
Macedonia 01.07.24 | 18:31

Small group of Filipce supporters celebrated his victory with trumpets

After Venko Filipce was elected leader of SDSM, a small group of his supporters brought a brass band before the party office to celebrate. The overall mood was far from celebratory, given SDSM’s dramatic loss in the recent elections and the on-going divisions in the party that threaten to weaken...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 18:29

Albanian nationalists lowered the Macedonian flag on Mt. Korab

A group of Albanian nationalists lowered the Macedonian flag on the Golem Korab peak and raised the Albanian flag. Izet Shullku is the main perpetrator of this provocation, and it is not the first time he has done so. On his social media pages he wrote that “Korab is Albanian and there is no place...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 18:26

Mickoski: I see no reason why the Macedonian rights in Bulgaria can’t be part of the agreement

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski responded to the latest interview by US Ambassador Angela Aggeler, according to whom, Macedonia should not seek to renegotiate either the imposed Prespa Treaty with Greece, or the so-called French proposal that includes the Bulgarian demands towards Macedonia. With regards...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 11:38

One killed, one wounded in a mafia style attack near Skopje

A mafia style attack was carried out this morning in the village of Batinci, south of Skopje. One person was killed and another wounded in a drive-by shooting. The attackers came in a Mercedes and opened fire on a Ford vehicle, that was carrying their victims. The targets are two men in their early 30ies...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 11:26

Slavjanka Petrovska: SDSM is a captured party

Former Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska, who bowed out of the SDSM leadership race, said that the party is held captured by its new leadership. Venko Filipce was elected new leader with a 4:1 margin over Jovan Despotovski, in a clear victory for the Zoran Zaev led wing of the party. This is a fiasco....

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 10:22

VMRO tells Filipce he won’t escape accountability with his election as SDSM leader

VMRO-DPMNE warned newly elected SDSM party leader Venko Filipce that he should not expect any leniency in future criminal investigations because of the position he acquired. Filipce was named in numerous corruption scandals over the years, as Healthcare Minister and as top associate of Zoran Zaev. Filipce...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 10:12

Long lines on the border crossings with Serbia and Greece

Long lines have developed on the Tabanovce border crossing with Serbia. Thje reason for this is the heightened anti-terrorism level in Serbia, after the attack against a police officer in front of the Israeli embassy. Motorists can wait up to half an hour to cross this border, similar to the Bogorodica...