Tag: Macedonians
Macedonia 02.09.19 | 21:19

Macedonian friends, do not give up, confront the quisling!

Macedonian friends, don’t give up!, a Slovenian who uses the pseudonym Legionar tweeted on Monday. Zaev with his social-democratic junta banned the Macedonians from publicly using the symbol – the flag with which Macedonia became independent in 1991. Macedonian friends, don’t give...

Macedonia 30.04.19 | 12:00

Easter holiday ends badly for Macedonians returning from Greece with demolished cars

Dozens of families, instead of returning home with nice memories from the Easter weekend, traditionally spent in Greece, say they will remember the holiday for a long time, which ended badly for them because their vehicles were destroyed. The car of a Kavadarci family, which was staying in a hotel in...

Macedonia 17.04.19 | 19:40

Only North without Republic in the new passports of the Macedonians in Serbia

Macedonians living on the territory of Serbia are disturbed by the fact that their documents do not contain the description of the constitutional regulation of the country. As they say, they have not been able to get an explanation as to why the term Republic is not contained. Why the full name is not...

Macedonia 12.04.19 | 19:27

Macedonians in Australia react to racist anti-Macedonian stickers in Sydney

The Macedonian community in NSW was deeply saddened to see stickers containing racist and provocative anti-Macedonian messages littered across parts of Liverpool in South-West Sydney this week. As the Australian Macedonian Council of New South Wales wrote on Facebook, the messages were allegedly promulgated...

Macedonia 14.03.19 | 17:58

Government walking on egg-shells when asked about the Macedonian minority in Greece

According to the Prespa treaty, the Zaev Government insists, Greece has agreed to allow Macedonians to call themselves Macedonians. But, the treaty also forbids the Government of Macedonia to interfere in Greek internal affairs, especially over the rights of the Macedonian minority, whose very existence...

Macedonia 24.02.19 | 21:25

BBC report on the persecuted Macedonian minority in Greece

BBC ran a lengthy report on the Macedonian community in Greece, and how it has survived decades of attempts at force assimilation and expulsions. The report by Maria Margaronis refers to Macedonians as Macedonian Slavs and describes the persecution down to details about the modes of torture used on Macedonians...

Balkans 26.12.18 | 15:49

Macedonians were “privileged” in the process of obtaining Bulgarian passports

Over 100 mediators worked with candidates for Bulgarian passports who helped collect documents and registration addresses. Macedonians pay 1,000 euros, Kosovars and up to 5,000 euros for Bulgarian passport, claims BTV witness. The Macedonians were priced “privileged” in the process of obtaining...