Tuesday, 18 June 2024
World 18.06.24 | 19:37

Biden immigration program offers legal status to 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens. Here’s how it works

President Biden on Tuesday is announcing a large-scale immigration program that will offer legal status and a streamlined path to U.S. residency and citizenship to roughly half a million unauthorized immigrants married to American citizens. The Department of Homeland Security policy will allow these...

News 18.06.24 | 19:30

Mickoski and Party Delegation Meet with NDI’s Stephanie Rust

On Tuesday, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, along with Nikola Micevski, the coordinator of the party’s parliamentary group and executive committee member, and Marija Miteva, MP and executive committee member, met with Stephanie Rust, Chief Programs Officer of the National Democratic Institute...

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 17:09

Hristijan Mickoski nominates the next Government, says all ministers will have to hold pro-Macedonian positions

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski formally submitted his proposal for the creation of the next Government to the Parliament. The proposal was approved by VMRO-DPMNE, VLEN, ZNAM and the smaller coalition partners that will be joining the Government, and is expected to easily reach the needed 61...

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 14:48

Stojan Andov, Macedonia’s first Parliament Speaker post independence, dies aged 89

Yugoslav and early independence era politician Stojan Andov has died aged 89. Andov was a Vice President of the Yugoslav Government in the late Communist period and represented Macedonia in the Council of Republics and Provinces. An economics expert, he participated in the Yugoslav Government over three...

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 13:45

Heatwave will intensify from Thursday

Forecasters expect that the heatwave will intensify on Thursday, reaching close to 40 degrees. Temperatures today are going to reach over 40 degrees, the state UHMR forecaster predicts. Temperatures will be exceptionally high in the areas of Skopje, Tetovo and Gostivar.

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 09:44

Milososki: The country is in an unenviable situation, we don’t have the luxury to divide, we count on yours, ours, theirs

The state is really put in an unenviable situation where we don’t have the luxury to divide, polarize, count on yours, ours, theirs, all possible resources need to be engaged in order to achieve certain goals and that is why it is a hand extended to those who are representatives and supporters...

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 09:41

Mickoski is submitting the proposal for the new government to the Assembly today

The mandate holder, Hristijan Mickoski, is expected to submit the proposal for the composition of the government and the program for its work to the Parliament today. The vote for the new government is expected to take place this weekend. The parliamentary session for the election of the new government...

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 08:02

Accreditation Board revokes license of Ramiz Merko’s medical faculty

The Accreditation Board revoked the accreditation of the newly created medical faculty at the International University of Struga. The approval was given just days after the general elections, and caused outrage in the country. Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko is owner of the university and has been using his...