Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Macedonia 25.06.24 | 19:49

Taravari fired the economic director of Toxicology

Taravari fired the economic director of Toxicology who went to work with a translator Besia Ilyazi, organizational director of the Toxicology Clinic The Minister of Health, Arben Taravari, today signed the decisions for the dismissal of several economic directors of the Skopje Clinics, including Besija...

Macedonia 25.06.24 | 15:13

Mucunski: Given the complex geopolitical environment in Europe, we must remain a responsible NATO member

In this highly complex geopolitical environment in Europe, Macedonia will have to act as a responsible NATO member, said Foreign Minister Timco Mucunski after his meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels today. Mucunski pledged that Macedonia will continue to spend more than two...

Economy 25.06.24 | 15:02

Major wind investment will help make Macedonia energy independent

Dubai based Alcazar Energy is the company that will develop a major wind farm near Stip. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, Energy Minister Sanja Bozinovska and Alcazar’s David Calderon presented the project today that will include 55 generators producing 1 terawatt hours of energy, enough for 100,000...

World 25.06.24 | 11:54

Israeli supreme court says ultra-Orthodox men must serve in military

Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for military service, a decision that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel continues to wage war in Gaza. The court ruled that in...

Economy 25.06.24 | 11:50

The project for the development of a wind park in the country

The project for the development of a wind park in the country, an investment of Alcazar Energy worth over 400 million dollars, will be officially presented today in Skopje. The event will be addressed by Daniel Calderon, co-founder and managing partner of Alcazar Energy, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski...

Macedonia 25.06.24 | 11:12

Tsipras asks European countries to warn Macedonia about consequences if it violates the Prespa Treaty

Former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who, along with Zoran Zaev, signed the Prespa Treaty, warned Macedonia of consequences if it doesn’t uphold the imposed treaty. Speaking at a Council of Europe event on the Balkans, Tsipras called on the other European countries to counsel Macedonia on...

Economy 25.06.24 | 10:51

Investments for a better standard of living – 450 million euros for complete energy independence of Macedonia

Investments for a better standard of living – 450 million euros for complete energy independence of Macedonia The project for the development of a wind park in the country, an investment of Alcazar Energy worth over 500 million dollars, will be officially presented today in Skopje. Prime Minister...

Economy 25.06.24 | 08:26

Alcazar Energy will develop the major wind farm near Stip

Dubai based Alcazar Energy is the company that will develop a major wind farm near Stip. The project, worth between 400 and 450 million EUR, will be presented today by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, Energy Minister Sanja Bozinovska and Alcazar’s David Calderon. During a visit to the area yesterday,...