Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 03.11.20 | 13:57

Zaharieva outlines reasons that don’t allow Bulgaria to allow the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva clarified the open issues that remain to stand in the way of Macedonia opening its EU accession talks after the emergency meeting in Berlin. Bulgaria wants Macedonia to clarify that the imposed name “North Macedonia” does not reflect Macedonian...

Macedonia 03.11.20 | 10:53

Carl Bildt criticizes Bulgaria for vetoing Macedonia

Former Swedish Prime Minister and Balkan envoy Carl Bildt criticized Bulgaria for its move to veto the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. If any 🇪🇺 progress in the Balkans will be dependent upon the one or the other state imposing some “historical truth” we can be certain that...

Macedonia 02.11.20 | 15:34

FAZ: Bulgarian emotional demands aimed at Macedonia not supported by other EU member states

frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports on the growing threats from Bulgaria that it will block Macedonia from opening its EU accession talks. According to FAZ, Bulgarian Ambassador to Brussels Dimitar Cancev already treated his colleagues to two lengthy and emotional speeches, in which he detailed Bulgaria’s...

Macedonia 02.11.20 | 11:35

Karakacanov angry that some Macedonians call Bulgarians “Tatars and fascists”

In a sharply worded interview with BGNES, Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov listed his grievances against Macedonia, as Bulgaria prepares to block the opening of EU accession talks. We were the first to recognize Macedonia in 1992, which lead to preventing the spread of war on its territory....

Macedonia 02.11.20 | 11:15

The Dutch will allow opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia, but may block Albania

With Bulgaria threatening to block the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia, other member states who generally oppose EU enlargement are stepping out of the way. Albanian media outlets are reporting that the Netherlands will approve the opening of talks with Macedonia. But the Dutch intend to...

Macedonia 29.10.20 | 17:05

Former Prime Minister Buckovski agrees with Bulgaria on their “shared history” position

In an interview with a Bulgarian TV station, former Macedonian Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski agreed with the Bulgarian position that the two countries share a common history and praised his SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev for his 2017 treaty with Bulgaria. In the past three years there has been a dramatic...

Macedonia 29.10.20 | 16:49

Zaev denies Politico report of a new deal with Bulgaria

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev pleaded ignorance of the latest Politico report, according to which he has agreed to accept the Bulgarian positions on the key Macedonian national identity positions, in order to open the EU accession talks. Zaev evoked the Prespa treaty he signed with Greece, insisting that...

Macedonia 29.10.20 | 14:17

“Politico”: Zaev will recognize there are Bulgarian foundations of the Macedonian identity and language

Politico Brussels reported this morning that during Wednesday’s meeting of EU ambassadors a compromise was allegedly reached to start the first intergovernmental conference between the EU and Macedonia and that Bulgaria agreed to that “compromise”. As a senior EU diplomat told Politico,...

Macedonia 28.10.20 | 21:08

Foreign Minister Zaharieva says that, unless something changes, Bulgaria will not allow the opening of accession talks with Macedonia

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva confirmed that, as things stand right now, Bulgaria will block the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. At this time Bulgaria is not in a position to approve the negotiating framework in this form. We still have time, but it’s very short,...

Macedonia 28.10.20 | 17:57

Dimitrov hopes that France will help him out with Bulgaria, while Germany says the EU can’t interfere in bilateral disputes

Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov expressed hope that France will be able to help persuade Bulgaria not to block the opening of EU accession talks for Macedonia. Dimitrov is on a visit to Paris, which blocked the opening of accession talks in 2019. Now France declares that it is satisfied with the...

Macedonia 28.10.20 | 14:18

Bulgaria’s ambassador confirms they will not budge on vetoing Macedonia if no agreement on disputed issues is reached

Bulgaria cannot change its positions, its Parliament has adopted a declaration and the government a decision. What’s being said within the EU is the bloc’s problem, here it isn’t our problem, Bulgarian Ambassador to Macedonia Angel Angelov said Wednesday, answering a reporter’s...

Macedonia 27.10.20 | 17:38

Repairs in Bulgaria reduce gas supplies to Macedonia

Bulgaria is reducing gas supplies to Macedonia due to servicing of the pipeline. Macedonia uses Russian gas, transported through Bulgaria, for several stations that warm water used to heat apartments in the capital Skopje, as well as produce electricity and for the needs of several industrial plants....

Macedonia 27.10.20 | 13:50

Government confirmes that the Agreement with Bulgaria will be changed – we are left without the language, Goce and the history

The agreement with Bulgaria will still change. After a month of denial, the government finally confirmed that it would agree to Bulgarian demands regarding the language, history and Macedonian minority in Pirin Macedonia. After Prime Minister Zoran Zaev acknowledged that there would be an annex to the...

Macedonia 26.10.20 | 22:42

A new Macedonia name dispute, this time with Bulgaria

After Bulgaria raised issues with the ethnicity of a number of Macedonian heroes, chief among them Goce Delcev, then the Macedonian language and nationality, the latest dispute that is being raised is the imposed name “North Macedonia”. Bulgaria warned that “North Macedonia” can...

Macedonia 26.10.20 | 12:12

Osmani confirms Mickoski’s claims: An additional annex to the Agreement with Bulgaria is being prepared

Working groups from Macedonia and Bulgaria are working on a daily basis in a bid to overcome the differences between the two countries regarding the implementation of the Good Neighborly Agreement, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani said Monday, confirming that an additional annex to this document...

Macedonia 25.10.20 | 20:47

Zaev sees no need for a new treaty with Bulgaria, is open to a clarifying statement or declaration

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he sees no need for a new treaty with Bulgaria, but that he is open to a statement or declaration that would go in more detail on issues Bulgaria wants clarified. His comment comes after the speculations that Bulgaria wants a new treaty, one which will include constitutional...

Balkans 25.10.20 | 20:27

Bulgarian Prime Minister Borisov contracted the coronavirus

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov informed the public that he has contracted the coronavirus. He informed the public that he has overall weakness and will continue to work from home. Borisov added that there is no need to have a Deputy Prime Minister replace him. His illness could affect the tense...

Macedonia 24.10.20 | 10:31

FM Osmani wants an Albanian to sit on the Macedonian – Bulgarian committee of historians

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said that he wants to seat an ethnic Albanian historian to the Committee that is negotiating historic issues with Bulgaria. The Committee is currently deadlocked over issues such as the ethnicity of Goce Delcev, with Bulgaria announcing it will block Macedonia from opening...

Macedonia 22.10.20 | 21:23

Zaev sees no reason to resign if there is a Bulgarian veto

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev sees no reason to resign if Bulgaria vetoes the holding of the first intergovernmental conference, which according to announcements should be held during the German presidency of the European Union, ie by the end of the year at the latest. I absolutely do not agree with the...

Macedonia 22.10.20 | 15:42

Bulgaria starts with the blockades, disputes the Macedonian language in Frontex

Bulgaria is blocking the important agreement on border management between Macedonia and the European Security Service, Frontex, and the problem is the “Macedonian language”, reports the daily “Dnevnik”, citing a statement by a spokesman for the European Commission. This is an...
