Tag: Kamenica
Macedonia 11.04.23 | 08:32

Three days of mourning in Makedonska Kamenica following the tragic car crash in Italy

The city of Makedonska Kamenica declared three days of mourning following the car crash in Italy that killed two of its young citizens. Three Macedonian were killed in the crash that happened in north-western Italy, along with one Italian. The city is going to help the families of the killed to retrieve...

Macedonia 30.10.21 | 18:33

Case of vote buying reported in Makedonska Kamenica

Prosecutors are charging a person from Makedonska Kamenica for offering a man 1,000 denars for his vote. The bribery reportedly happened in the office of a political party in the mining city. Because of the ban on political reporting a day before the elections, we are not publishing the name of the party...

Macedonia 02.09.20 | 08:54

SDSM official tests positive to the coronavirus after meeting with Zaev and top Government members

Vlatko Andonovski, a local official from Makedonska Kamenica and an SDSM party activist who tested positive to the coronavirus, has been meeting with top party officials late last week. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, his deputy Ljupco Nikolovski, Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce and other officials were...

Macedonia 10.07.20 | 19:21

Mickoski: We vote for the future of our children but also for the dignity of our past generations

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski campaigned today in Makedonska Kamenica, Pehcevo and other cities in the 3rd electoral district in eastern Macedonia, where he promised to rule the country honestly and with dignity if he is elected. In these elections you decide for the future of your children,...

Macedonia 19.12.18 | 11:02

Rock slide cuts off infrastructure starved eastern part of the country

Lack of investment in infrastructure, especially in eastern Macedonia, is on full display this morning after a rock slide cut the main Makedonska Kamenica – Delcevo road. Passengers along the A3 road, which connects this part of the country with Bulgaria, are diverted to the Vinica – Bigla...