Saturday, 2 March 2024
Macedonia 02.03.24 | 20:10

Political prisoners give their support to Gordana Siljanovska

Several prominent political prisoners of the Zaev – SDSM regime, who were persecuted during the Colored Revolution campaign, expressed their support for Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, in her presidential run. Former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, who spent over three years in prison,...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 18:19

Mickoski: The people will say ENOUGH

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski today addressed the party convention, during which professor Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova was nominated for the coming presidential elections. Mickoski said that the dual elections will mark the end of the DUI – SDSM led regime.   The date of your...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 18:08

Siljanovska named VMRO presidential candidate – she promises to work to support democracy and human rights and protect national interests

VMRO-DPMNE formally elected Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova as their presidential candidate, who will compete at the elections on April 24th and May 8th. It was enough, it’s time for change, declared Siljanovska, as she accepted the nomination at the party convention held at the Skopje Philharmonics...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 16:07

Nikoloski: Pendarovski was the most faceless President we’ve ever had

Stevo Pendarovski was the most faceless president we’ve ever had, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski, during the conference held today to promote the opposition’s presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova. There are turning points in history and I’m...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 14:52

VMRO-DPMNE nominates Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova as their presidential candidate (LIVE)

VMRO-DPMNE is holding a conference in which Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova is expected to be formally nominated as the party’s presidential candidate. Round tables are taking place at the Skopje Philharmonic hall, in which top party officials will announce the positions for the coming elections,...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 14:47

After years of impunity under Zaev, a major police raid was carried out against marijuana smugglers from Strumica

Large police raid was carried out across Macedonai today, in which a group of businessmen involved in marijuana production and smuggling were detained. Reportedly the group includes a former local SDSM party politician from the area of Strumica, who was charged in the past with cigarette smuggling to...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 14:41

Woman robbed a dying man in Veles

A bizarre incident was reported in Veles, where a 54 year old man died from natural causes while walking down a street. A woman then approached the body, robbed him and fled. Police identified the 32 year old robber, and apprehended her.

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 10:24

Divisions appear in the “opposition to the opposition” party Levica after struggles to mobilize support for its presidential candidate

The populist Levica party was able to capitalize on public anger over the imposed Prespa Treaty, to win two seats in the Parliament in the 2020 elections – which is a rare feat for small parties not aligned with VMRO-DPMNE or SDSM. Using the often dramatic speeches and stunts from its two representatives,...