Saturday, 15 June 2024
Macedonia 15.06.24 | 23:48

Some of the Albanian coalition partners announced their candidates for the Government

The Alternative Party – one of the coalition partners in VLEN, announced today its picks for the new Government. Orhan Murtezani, former head of the MEPSO energy company and the transportation division of the Macedonian Railroads, will be proposed as Minister for European Affairs, who is in charge...

World 15.06.24 | 19:33

EU will hold accession conference with Ukraine and Moldova

EU ambassadors decided to allow Ukraine and Moldova to begin their accession talks. The latest two candidate countries will hold a governmental conference with the EU on June 25th. It’s not clear how long these talks will last, given the brutal war in Ukraine and the Russian military presence in...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 18:42

US Ambassador to NATO welcomes Macedonia’s high level of defense spending

US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith welcomed Macedonia’s achievement to spend over 2 percent of its GDP on defense. Smith said that the US welcomes these efforts on the part of Macedonia, as well as Macedonia’s support for Ukraine. Ambassador Smith spoke with the MIA news agency ahead of...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 18:26

Biden extends Balkans executive order by another year

US President Joe Biden extended the validity of his executive order on the Western Balkans by another year. The order warns individuals who endanger peace and international positions in the Balkans with sanctions if they violate treaties such as the Dayton Treaty in Bosnia and the UN resolution 1244...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 17:24

Osmani is trying to reward DUI party loyalists before leaving office

Outgoing Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is again trying to send Besmira Ejupi, a TV hostess who is close to his DUI party, to a diplomatic mission. Osmani was stopped in his attempt to send the highly unqualified Ejupi to the position of General Consul to New York after public outcry in 2022. His latest...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 14:00

Despotovski: SDSM is at a historic low point

Jovan Despotovski, who is running for leader of the SDSM party following the resignation of Dimitar Kovacevski, acknowledges that the party is historically at its lowest point. Still, he believes that the next SDSM leader who will be elected at the end of the month, will become the Prime Minister in...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 12:53

President Siljanovska attends the Ukraine conference in Switzerland

President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova will participate in the Ukraine summit that takes place this weekend in Luzern, Switzerland. President Siljanovska will address the peace summit and will hold bilateral meetings with its participants. She recently met with Ukrainian President Zelensky during...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 12:32

New law that would require support from DUI and SDSM about to be sent before Parliament

Following the decision of the DUI led coalition to support a change in the law on the Government, that allowed VMRO-DPMNE to reorganize the ministries ahead of the vote for the Mickoski Government, another possible change to a systemic law is in the works. VMRO-DPMNE wants to change the local administration...