Friday, 21 June 2024
Economy 21.06.24 | 19:56

MEPSO has activated all the mechanisms so that the domino effect is not felt in our country

All mechanisms have been activated so that we do not feel the domino effect of the power outage that affected part of the region today, says the president of the Energy Regulatory Commission (RKE), Marko Bislimoski. According to him, RKE is in communication with the transmission system operators and...

Macedonia 21.06.24 | 17:59

And it’s official: Ukraine and Moldova are starting EU membership negotiations

the twenty-seven countries of the EU have confirmed that the accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova will begin on Tuesday, the Belgian EU presidency announced. Meeting in Luxembourg, EU finance ministers formally adopted a negotiating framework with the two candidate countries, confirming an...

Macedonia 21.06.24 | 12:54

VMRO is not required to choose DUI as coalition partner, says Ambassador Aggeler

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler acknowledged the right of the winning party VMRO-DPMNE to choose the Albanian VLEN coalition as its partner and to shun the DUI party. DUI was hoping that, as has happened in the past, international officials will pressure VMRO to select them as coalition partner. In...

Economy 21.06.24 | 10:53

Bekteshi cites a list of goods to stop unfair trade practices in order to further lower inflation

Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi announced on Thursday that, in accordance with the Law on Unfair Commercial Practices, the Ministry of Economy has adopted measures aimed at reducing inflation, particularly for basic food products. “Based on the proposal from the Ministry of Economy, we have...

Macedonia 21.06.24 | 10:12

Minister Loga sneaks in huge increase in notary fees

Outgoing Justice Minister Krenar Loga used the last days in office to regulate a major increase of notary fees. The Ministry did not inform the public about this, and it was only realized when the decision was published in the Official Gazette. In some cases, the charges will go up between 2 and 10 times,...

Macedonia 21.06.24 | 10:09

Aggeler welcomes Mickoski’s announcement on the swearing in ceremony

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler said that she welcomes announcement from the next Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski that he will use the imposed name during his swearing in ceremony. Greece reactd angrily when President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova was sworn in using simply “President...

World 21.06.24 | 09:51

UN experts: Businesses arming Israel run the risk of being complicit in war crimes

Independent UN human rights experts have issued a warning to companies supplying weapons and ammunition to Israel, cautioning that they may be complicit in human rights violations, including potential crimes against humanity. The experts identified over 30 companies and investors, notably including the...

Economy 21.06.24 | 09:48

AD ESM offers EVN Home at EUR 60 per megawatt-hour of power

Universal electricity supplier EVN Home has accepted AD ESM’s bid of EUR 60 per megawatt hour to cover 85% of the electricity needs. For the remaining 15%, three bids were received for the July-December period, but were not accepted due to higher prices compared to the current market rates. EVN...

Macedonia 21.06.24 | 09:45

After gaining office, Nikoloski will prioritize the Gradsko-Prilep expressway, the Ohrid-Kichevo route, and the Otinje dam

VMRO-DPMNE vice-president and candidate for Minister of Transport, Aleksandar Nikoloski, said Thursday that the first three projects he would focus on after taking office are the Ohrid-Kichevo highway, the Gradsko-Prilep expressway and the Otinja dam, which, he noted, is extremely important for the eastern...