Sunday, 16 June 2024
Macedonia 16.06.24 | 21:23

Mickoski nominates Nikoloski, Misajlovski, Kocoska, Toskovski… to sit on the next Government

VMRO-DPMNE President and Prime Minister – elect Hristijan Mickoski announced this evening the members of the next Government. Aleksandar Nikoloski will be named Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transportation. Vladimir Misajlovski will lead the Department of Defense. Gordana Dimitrioska Kocoska...

Sport 16.06.24 | 18:28

Euro2024: The Dutch beat Poland 2:1

Netherland’s football team beat Poland in their first game of the European football championship in Germany. Poland went ahead through Buksa in the 16th minute, but the Dutch quickly regrouped and managed to even the score through Gakpo in the 29th minute. After a dynamic second half, in the closing...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 13:25

Mickoski sends Kurban Bajram message to the Muslim community

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski congratulated to the Muslim community in Macedonia on the holiday of Kurban Bajram. In the message, Mickoski called for renewed understanding and tolerance between the religious communities. I ask you that we begin to overcome all problems we face together, that...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 12:43

VMRO-DPMNE will announce the Government ministers

VMRO-DPMNE will hold meetings of its Central and Exectutive committees this afternoon after which the party will announce its candidates for the bulk of the Government that is going to be led by Hristijan Mickoski. After consultations with the smaller coalition partners, the list will be submitted to...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 12:26

Xhaferi commissioned an official portrait of himself

Even though he was Prime Minister only for 100 days, Talat Xhaferi commissioned an official portrait of himself, to be hung in the Government building. He shared a photo of himself, with the portrait, on his social media accounts. The author is painter Edmond Drami. The former terrorist commander who...