Friday, 28 June 2024
Macedonia 28.06.24 | 21:08

Nikoloski discusses intensifying cooperation with US Ambassador Aggeler

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler met with Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski, who also holds the position of Transportation Minister in the new Government. Nikoloski and Aggeler discussed the reform plans of the Government and the strategic priorities of both the Government and the Transportation...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 19:39

Foreign Minister Mucunski meets with OSCE Ambassador Wahl

Foreign Minister Timco Mucunski met with the OSCE Ambassador to Macedonia Kilian Wahl. During the meeting we confirmed the continuous and long cooperation with OSCE in various areas covered by their mission mandate. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on the current aspects of the work of the OSCE mission...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 18:49

New Government revokes DUI’s parting gift to one of its corrupt officials

In one of its first decisions, the newly elected Government determined that the Interior University of Struga, owned by controversial Mayor Ramiz Merko, will not be allowed to open a medical faculty. The outgoing DUI led Government allowed its high ranking official Merko to set up this potentially highly...

Economy 28.06.24 | 18:15

Chinese bank approves loan for the Kicevo – Ohrid highway

The Chinese EXIM bank approved the last tranche of the loan needed to build the Kicevo – Ohrid highway. The loan was agreed as part of the renegotiations led by the Zaev Government with China, which failed to move forward the long delayed construction. The new Government announces that finishing...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 18:00

SDSM leadership race hit by recriminations and corruption allegations

Dramatic developments in SDSM ahead of the party elections scheduled for June 30th, where the membership is supposed to elect a new leader. With former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce the clear front-runner in the race, due to the open support he’s receiving from Zoran Zaev, other candidates...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 17:32

Appointment of Government and Interior Ministry officials

A number of personnel appointments were announced today, after the first session of the new Government. Elena Petrova, until recently alternative Deputy Finance Minister, will be the new head of the UJP tax authority. Member of Parliament Boban Nikolovski is named head of the Customs Agency. Igor Janusev...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 17:08

Mickoski: During the first session of the Government, we decided to increase pensions

During the first session of the Government, a decision was reached to increase the pensions, said Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski. After the election victory, the new Government began to implement its promises. In the first session of the Government, that took place on June 28th, I announce a linear...

Sport 28.06.24 | 12:44

Austrian Novomatic will take over FC Vardar

Austrian gambling giant Novomatic, wich has extensive interests in the Balkans, will be the new owner of Macedonia’s troubled football team Vardar, which has struggled since the previous SDSM – DUI Government pushed out its owner Sergey Samsonenko. Vardar currently faces relegation from the...

Economy 28.06.24 | 11:39

Government will hold session on the promised pension increase

Hristijan Mickoski’s Government will hold its first session today. The focus of the session will be on the planned and promised pension increase, that should go out to 300,000 retirees. Before the session, Mickoski met with Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska and with Welfare and...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 11:31

Storm causes flooding near Skopje

Another significant summer storm hit Macedonia yesterday evening, this time focused on Skopje’s western suburbs. Houses in the village of Volkovo were flooded and citizens in Gjorce Petrov had hail hit their cars and homes. There is widespread damage reported to farms and orchards, cars damaged...