Sunday, 15 September 2024
Macedonia 15.09.24 | 19:23

Bulgarian Ambassador summoned to the Foreign Ministry to explain the flag gaffe

The Foreign Ministry has summoned Bulgarian Ambassador Zeljasko Radukov for a meeting tomorrow to explain the violation of agreed protocol rules during the visit of President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova to Sofia earlier this week. Bulgarian President Rumen Radev had Siljanovska join him for a...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 18:55

Greek and Bulgarian media outlets in joint attack against Prime Minister Mickoski

Greek and Bulgarian media outlets are launching a joint attack on Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, with articles that follow identical lines. In Greece, the Ethnos newspaper accuses Mickoski because of his use of the name Macedonia, which the Prime Minister says is his human right. It is my right to...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 15:50

Strumica raids show that money stolen from the Eurostandard Bank were sent to Turkey

Media reports following the major police raid into tax evasion and fraud in a number of Strumica based companies confirm that the focus of the investigation is in the collapse of the Eurostandard Bank. Initial analysis of the documents that were seized from companies linked to businessman Risto Krmzov...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 15:04

Autumn weather across Macedonia

Temperatures dropped to just a few degrees above 0 in the more mountainous parts of Macedonia overnight. In Popova Sapka the temperatures dropped to 3 degrees, and in Berovo and Lazaropole it was down to 4 degrees. Of the large cities, Skopje, Bitola, Tetovo and Ohrid reached lows of 9 or 10 degrees. Forecasters...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 12:58

Kocani: Attempted murder over a mobile phone

A 24 year old man from Kocani is charged with attempted murder after he stabbed a man over a cell phone. The attacker sought to purchase a mobile phone from an individual. They met in the victim’s car and after reviewing the phone, the attacker pulled out a knife hitting the seller in his head...

World 15.09.24 | 12:41

Flooding in central Europe

Countries along the Danube are facing flooding due to the cyclone called Boris. Casualties have been reported in Romania and Moldova, mostly elderly people who could not evacuate in time. Czechia declared emergencies at 38 locations and in parts of Prague there are anti-flooding barriers. Austria, Poland,...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 11:25

Numerous irregularities in the work of public healthcare institutions

The SDS-DUI Government devastated our healthcare as their officials were rigging procurement contracts, accuses VMRO-DPMNE in a statement, pointing to audits of the public healthcare system that are being conducted. Audits are showing numerous irregularities in the work of the public healthcare institutions,...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 10:45

DUI and VLEN are arguing over the language of a road sign

Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti accused his political opponent, Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party, of allowing road signs without Albanian inscription in them. The two rival parties, DUI and VLEN, are arguing after a sign at the border crossing Blace with Kosovo was placed in Macedonian, English and French,...