Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 17.12.20 | 11:24

German Ambassador Holstein: We tried but we failed

German Ambassador Anke Holstein denied media reports that the introduction of historic requirements in the EU enlargement package will represent a new condition for Macedonia. In a statement for Deutsche Welle, Holstein said that the criteria was also used in 2018, and will apply both to Macedonia, but...

Macedonia 17.12.20 | 10:02

In another defiant message, Zaev’s Government tells Bulgaria it will not negotiate on identity issues

Following the COREPER meeting in Brussels, the Macedonian Government again expressed its disappointment in the fact that Bulgaria continues to block the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. Unfortunately, the Bulgarian veto was confirmed. It does not allow our country to open EU accession talks,...

Macedonia 16.12.20 | 16:03

Bulgaria agreed to unblock one set of EU conclusions on enlargement

Radio Free Europe reports that a compromise has been reached on the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria and that Bulgaria will allow the adoption of the annual enlargement reports. Details are still sketchy and it’s unclear whether this means that Bulgaria will allow Macedonia to actually open EU...

Macedonia 15.12.20 | 23:45

Next VMRO-DPMNE-led government will not upheld the agreement with Bulgaria if it doesn’t abandon its positions, says Mickoski

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with TV Alsat’s show “200” that the next government led by VMRO-DPMNE would not uphold the agreement with Bulgaria in case the Bulgarian side does not abandon its positions to, as he said, “assimilate this people.” If...

Macedonia 15.12.20 | 11:45

Darko Mitrevski: Bulgaria banned my Holocaust movie

Darko Mitrevski, who directed the Third Half movie, accused Bulgaria of de-facto banning the broadcast of this Holocaust film in Macedonia. The movie depicts the deportation of Macedonian Jews in March 1943, by Bulgarian forces acting on orders from Germany. Practically the entire Jewish community in...

Macedonia 15.12.20 | 09:20

Borisov calls on Macedonia to be reasonable

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov called on Macedonia to be reasonable in the historic dispute Bulgaria initiated and insisted that his side has already shown reason and moderation. This is the way forward. If we remain stubborn the problems will remain. The solution is in dialogue, solidarity and...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 16:06

Zaev hopes to placate Bulgaria with a declaration

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he is willing to give a declaration, memorandum or some other type of document that Macedonia has no minority or territorial claims toward Bulgaria. He said that he hopes this will be enough to placate Bulgaria,which is blocking Macedonia’s EU accession We declare...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 11:51

Casule: Bulgaria wants its own Prespa treaty

Bulgaria is inspired by the Prespa treaty with Greece to demand additional concessions from Macedonia, said Alfa TV editor Kole Casule. Bulgaria signed the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty, only to see Zaev sign the Prespa treaty in 2018 that has far stricter and more binding clauses, including a forced...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 09:15

Former Academy President Taki Fiti insists that Bulgaria was occupier of Macedonia during the Second World War

Taki Fiti, economics professor who was head of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in an interview insisted that the period under Bulgarian rule during the Second World War amounted to an occupation and not mere administration, as Prime Minister Zoran Zaev insists. The issue is one of the historic...

Macedonia 11.12.20 | 17:38

66,000 Macedonians took Bulgarian citizenships in the past 10 years, the Justice Minister reveals

Speaking before the Bulgarian Parliament, Justice Minister Desislava Ahladova said that a total of 66,000 Macedonian citizens acquired Bulgarian citizenship over the past 10 years. These citizenships were handed out under the clause of Bulgarian origin – foreign citizens are asked to declare that...

Balkans 10.12.20 | 12:16

Another provocation from Sofia: “May 24” has become a day of the Bulgarian alphabet

With the amendments to the Labor Law, the Bulgarian Parliament approved the renaming of the official name of the holiday of May 24th from Slavic Day to the day of the Bulgarian alphabet.

Macedonia 09.12.20 | 21:00

Milososki: We warned Zaev that the 2017 treaty will only make our relations with Bulgaria worse

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said that the party warned Zoran Zaev, early in his term in office, that signing the 2017 treaty will Boyko Borisov will lead to serious problems with Macedonia’s relations to Bulgaria. This blockade is no surprise. In july 2017, a month before the signing of the...

Macedonia 09.12.20 | 19:22

Albanian opposition leaders say only a broad Government can take on the dispute with Bulgaria

Alliance of Albanians leader Ziadin Sela and his colleague from the Alternative party Afrim Gashi rebuked the Zaev regime for keeping the opposition uninformed and out of the loop as the dispute with Bulgaria deepens and threatens Macedonia’s EU accession prospects. This is a Government of liars and...

Macedonia 09.12.20 | 16:52

Zaev lashes out at Bulgaria, and the opposition, after the failure of his crucial EU policy

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that Bulgaria violated the treaty he signed with Boyko Borisov in 2017, when it vetoed Macedonia’s EU accession. It’s a second harshly worded comment from Zaev aimed at Bulgaria, after the press release yesterday in which he accused Bulgaria of making an irresponsible...

Macedonia 08.12.20 | 21:51

Socialist MEPs call on Borisov to lift the “disgraceful blockade” of Macedonia

The PES group of socialists in the European Parliament called on Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks.  Bulgaria’s Boyko Borissov must stop his disgraceful blockage of enlargement process just to save his coalition with hard-line nationalists. Accession negotiations with...

Macedonia 08.12.20 | 17:45

Zaev Government condemns Bulgaria for making a “serious strategic mistake” with its veto

The Macedonian Government issued a statement condemning the decision by Bulgaria to veto the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. According to the Zaev Government, the now official veto is an “irresponsible, strategic mistake”. Bulgaria demands major concessions with regard to the...

Macedonia 08.12.20 | 10:08

Osmani: There may be third countries standing in the way of Macedonia’s EU process

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, said Monday on TV21 “Click Plus” show that it is possible that other countries will stand in the way of the process towards Macedonia’s full membership in the European Union. Besides the strong support from the European Union and the United...

Macedonia 07.12.20 | 21:45

Dimitrov resurfaces ahead of the Bulgarian veto, says that Macedonia will not react to it emotionally

After staying out of the public eye for days, as Buglaria made it clear it will block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks, Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov resurfaced to say that the country will not reach emotionally to the latest blockade. This is nothing to run away from. We will face the...

Macedonia 07.12.20 | 17:36

Day before the European Council – the Bulgarian veto expected to become official EU policy

The European Council is scheduled to meet tomorrow, and Macedonia will receive official word on where it stands with regard to the announced Bulgarian veto. Bulgaria demands major concessions from Macedonia on issues of national identity and history and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev already announced that,...

Macedonia 05.12.20 | 10:07

Buckovski: We neighbors with a common history can find a solution for a common future

Former Prime Minister and current Special Envoy for Bulgaria Vlado Buckovski told BNR that the Macedonian government is aware that it needs to prepare a roadmap to show that it is firmly committed to the implementation of the Good Neighborhood Agreement with Bulgaria. According to Buckovski, the teams...
