Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 10.11.20 | 17:34

If Bulgaria blocks Macedonia, it will be a shared failure, Zaev’s office tells the press

After all major participants remained strangely silent over the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria during the Sofia summit, the Macedonian Government briefed the press, telling them that it will continue to work with Bulgaria on finding a solution. Meanwhile, the summit was marked by just one broad...

Macedonia 09.11.20 | 17:42

Berlin non-paper leaked: Macedonia accepted concessions on the language and minority rights, but it wasn’t enough for Bulgaria

German ORF has published the text of the agreement reached between Macedonian and Bulgarian diplomats in Berlin last week, that was supposed to help Bulgaria open the EU accession talks with Macedonia. But shortly after the meeting, facilitated by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his deputy Michael...

Macedonia 09.11.20 | 12:12

“Politico”: Bulgaria’s bully tactics effective for underground, but unacceptable for EU

EU ambassadors met on Friday in a bid to overcome the deadlock but failed to persuade Bulgaria to back down, sparking frustration among EU diplomats who say Sofia holds up very important EU agenda for enlargement with an entirely domestic problem, which should be solved on a bilateral level with Macedonia,...

Macedonia 08.11.20 | 23:23

Nikoloski: We need a Government of national unity to get Macedonia out of the quagmire

The Zoran Zaev Government needs to resign urgently and a new Government of national unity needs to be formed, said Aleksandar Nikoloski, Vice President of the VMRO-DPMNE party, during a Sitel TV interview this evening. Nikoloski pointed to the collapse of Zaev’s attemtp to ensure the opening of...

Macedonia 07.11.20 | 17:18

“Zaev made promises to Bulgaria, failed to deliver and provoked their veto”

Zoran Zaev made promises to our eastern neighbor and did not fulfill them and that is creating a lack of trust and affecting our relations, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during a TV interview. Bulgaria was openly endorsing Zoran Zaev for the July 15 elections and it left a clear impression...

Macedonia 07.11.20 | 17:01

US envoy to Macedonia during the 2001 civil war asks Bulgaria to reconsider its veto

Former US Ambassador to Macedonia James Pardew asked the country to withdraw its veto from the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. Pardew, who is now a Democratic Party and Joe Biden supporter, was US envoy during the 2001 civil war and is to a large degree responsible for pushing Macedonian...

Macedonia 07.11.20 | 13:23

Buckovski tells Bulgaria that it can’t expect all historic alignment to be in its favor

Former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski, who tried his hand at a mission of good will with Bulgaria, warned the neighboring country that it can’t expect all alignment on historic issues to be in its favor. A shared history between Bulgaria and Macedonia can’t be made only on the basis of Bulgarian...

Macedonia 07.11.20 | 11:44

Radev and Borisov rejected the agreement reached in Berlin, Pendarovski reveals

President Stevo Pendarovski, well known for penchant to share details of bilateral negotiations with the public, said that there was a tentative agreement reached between Macedonia and Bulgaria in Berlin, but Bulgarian leaders later recanted. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his deputy Michael...

Macedonia 06.11.20 | 19:11

Mickoski: After Bulgaria’s veto, we have a failure of Zaev’s policies, we demand resignation and expert government

Zoran Zaev’s humiliating policy has been defeated and the Macedonia’s EU perspective under Zaev’s leadership was put into question, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Friday, answering a reporer’s question about Bulgaria’s blockade. Mickoski estimates that what happened...

Macedonia 06.11.20 | 14:21

We can’t force the Macedonians into liking us, Bulgarian historian warns

Bulgarian historian Kiril Cukanov condemned the decision of the Bulgarian Government to use the EU accession process and try to pressure Macedonia into making concessions on key historic and national identity issues. We can’t be force them to be our brothers. You can’t force love. If we want...

Macedonia 06.11.20 | 14:20

Zaev confirms that Bulgaria vetoed the opening of Macedonia’s EU accession talks

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev confirmed today that Bulgaria has blocked the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. At the meeting of EU ambassadors in Brussels today, the Bulgarian ambassador rejected a proposal from Germany, which holds the EC rotating presidency, to accept a negotiating framework. We...

Macedonia 06.11.20 | 11:36

Germany submitted a proposal on Macedonia and Albania to the EU ambassadors, decision expected today

EU ambassadors are expected to reach a decision on a proposal Germany made for a negotiating framework with Macedonia and Albania, Brussels based journalist Ernest Bunguri reported. According to Bunguri, the proposal is on the “take it or leave it” basis, and Bulgaria will be asked to decide...

Macedonia 05.11.20 | 13:19

Osmani regrets the announced veto from Bulgaria

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani finally spoke out after the emergency summit in Berlin and the ever clearer threat from Bulgaria that it will veto Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. Osmani expressed regret about the developments. I wish that our neighbors are the engine and not the brake for our...

Macedonia 05.11.20 | 11:55

Bulgaria will want written guarantees from Macedonia and possibly a new treaty, Radev tells Steinmeier

After a flurry of phone calls between Berlin – Sofia and Skopje, Bulgarian Preisdent Rumen Radev is the latest to get involved in the dispute and to have a phone call with German President Frank Walter Steinmeier. Steinmeier already spoke with Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski, who said that...

Macedonia 05.11.20 | 10:41

Zaharieva: Borisov informed Merkel that Bulgaria’s answer is no

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva reiterated that the country will block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks, since not enough progress was made in meeting Bulgarian demands. Zaharieva had an urgent meeting with German diplomats earlier this week and Chancellor Merkel spoke with both...

Macedonia 05.11.20 | 09:32

Dimitrov evokes Covid as reason why he avoided Parliament hearing on his Bulgaria fiasco

Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov finally came out to explain his decision not to appear before the Parliament to discuss the quickly deteriorating relations with Bulgaria which threatens to block the opening of Macedonia’s EU accession talks, accusing Zaev and Dimitrov of not implementing...

Macedonia 04.11.20 | 15:37

SDSM says there is nothing to discuss as their officials boycott Parliament hearing on the Bulgarian ultimatum

After the ruling SDSM and DUI parties refused to attend a hearing of the Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee on the dispute with Bulgaria, SDSM representative Jovan Mitrevski said that “there is nothing to discuss”. Dimitrov and Osmani ignore Parliament debate on the crisis with Bulgaria I...

Macedonia 04.11.20 | 13:20

Kulafkova: We can’t give up our past, it will only lead to more Bulgarian claims

If we give up on our past we become rootless and we leave it to Bulgaria to claim that we are merely a Bulgarian minority that seceded from Yugoslavia, said linguist and academic Katica Kulafkova about the growing national identity dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria. “It is mindless to demand...

Macedonia 04.11.20 | 10:22

MEP Kovatchev insists that Bulgarians support the hardline position toward Macedonia 8:1

Bulgarian member of the European Parliament and a leading nationalist voice on Macedonia Andrey Kovatchev insisted that the country is united in blocking Macedonia from opening EU accession talks unless “they cease with their manipulations and lies”. Bulgaria wants Macedonia to acknowledge...

Macedonia 03.11.20 | 23:05

Mickoski: Although Zaev denied, Bulgaria confirmed it requested an annex to the agreement

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski addressed the public via Facebook in relation to the talks held between the Macedonian Government and Bulgaria, as well as the holding of the first intergovernmental conference that the Macedonian people deserve to be held at the end of this year, finally after all...
