Sunday, 14 April 2024
Macedonia 14.04.24 | 23:20

Speaking in front of Pendarovski, one of his activists rudely insulted Gordana Siljanovska

An SDSM party activist in rudely insulted presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova – in front of President Stevo Pendarovski. During a rally in Kumanovo, the activist was riling up the crowd, and said “about the other candidate, that they are promoting so much, let me tell...

Macedonia 14.04.24 | 21:37

Mickoski rejects Ahmeti’s blackmail, calls on Pendarovski to do the same

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski rejected the request by Ali Ahmeti and the DUI party that any future coalition partner for the Albanian parties must agree to changes in the way the President is elected. Ahmeti wants to end the practice of direct elections, where it’s always been ethnic...

Macedonia 14.04.24 | 18:36

Culev responds to Pendarovski’s claim that he was the first to hire Albanians to sensitive security positions

Former interim Interior Minister Nake Culev dismissed remarks from SDSM presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski, that Albanians were heavily discriminated against in hiring in the security services. Pendarovski named an ethnic Albanian, Erold Musliu, as head of the AR intelligence agency, and insisted...

News 14.04.24 | 17:09

Siljanovska: I feel younger after every rally

Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova said that she feels reinvigorated with every new campaign event she attends. In a social media statement, she indirectly responded to the latest line of attack from her opponent for the Presidency Stevo Pendarovski and from SDSM, that she is too old to be President. After...

World 14.04.24 | 16:07

Israel still considering how to respond to Iran’s attack

Israel is still weighing its response after yesterday’s shocking attack from Iran, which launched hundreds of missiles and drones. Only one person was injured in the attack, a child in southern Israel, as most of the munitions were intercepted. The Israeli Government informed the public that it...

Macedonia 14.04.24 | 15:54

VMRO asks Pendarovski and SDSM to clearly say whether they will accept the key DUI demand

VMRO-DPMNE called on SDSM and their presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski to answer whether they will accept the DUI party demand for changes in which the way the President is (s)elected. SDSM are desperate for Albanian votes as they continue to lose support among ethnic Macedonians. Pendarovski already...

Macedonia 14.04.24 | 09:45

Kovacevski acknowledges that SDSM made mistakes in the past

SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski acknowledged that his party made mistakes in the past years in power, but promised to deliver on the long delayed promise of EU accession. During a rally in Makedonski Brod, Kovacevski said that “it is good to own up to the mistakes, of course we made mistakes, but...

World 14.04.24 | 08:36

Iran launched hundreds of projectiles toward Israel

Iran fired several hundred projectiles, mainly slow moving drones, toward Israel, in reaction after Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus, killing a highly ranked officer. Most of the projectiles were shot down outside of the borders of Israel. According to reports, some landed near an Israeli...