Thursday, 23 May 2024
Balkans 23.05.24 | 19:45

Macedonia votes in favor of the Srebrenica genocide resolution

After co-sponsoring the UN resolution on the Srebrenica genocide, Macedonia today joined 84 other countries in voting in favor of it. The resolution was accepted in the UN General Assembly, with 19 countries opposed and 68 abstaining. Russia, China and Hungary were among the countries that voted against....

Sport 23.05.24 | 17:11

He was not bothered by the interruption either: Djokovic had an easy victory to start the competition in Geneva

Novak Djokovic defeated Yannick Hanfman 2:0 (6:3, 6:3) to start the tournament in Geneva without letting him catch him off guard.Rain stopped the match in the first set when Djokovic was up 5:3, but he resumed his serve to win the set and take a 1-0 lead. Hanfman unexpectedly seized the lead with 3:0...

Macedonia 23.05.24 | 17:05

A government delegation laid flowers at the monument of St. Cyril and Methodius, on the plateau in front of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje

The Government of the Republic of Macedonia, on the eve of tomorrow’s big national holiday, May 24 – Day of All-Slavic Educators, Saints Cyril and Methodius, organized an event in honor of the educators founded in the creation of Macedonian literacy. A government delegation led by Kaja Shukova,...

Macedonia 23.05.24 | 16:59

The European ambassador: Democratic elections will result in the formation of a new government

The ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia, David Geer from Tetovo, said today that the democratic and peaceful elections will result in a new government, and they, like the EU, want to cooperate with all political parties that will maintain and advance the European integration processes of the...

Macedonia 23.05.24 | 14:37

The constitutive session of the Assembly is scheduled for May 28

The constitutive session of the Assembly is scheduled for next Tuesday, May 28. The session until the election of the new president of the Assembly, according to the Rules of Procedure, will be chaired by the oldest member of parliament, and in the newly elected composition it is the member of parliament...

World 23.05.24 | 14:25

Seriously injured people who were on the Singapore Airlines flight

Many of the more seriously injured people who were on the Singapore Airlines flight that hit severe turbulence need operations on their spines, a Bangkok hospital said Thursday. Twenty people remained in intensive care and a 73-year-old British man died after the Boeing 777, which was flying from London’s...