The ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia, David Geer from Tetovo, said today that the democratic and peaceful elections will result in a new government, and they, like the EU, want to cooperate with all political parties that will maintain and advance the European integration processes of the country. He said that he would not comment on the ongoing negotiations for the composition of a new government.

Obviously, there were democratic and peaceful elections that will result in the formation of a new Government. We in the European Union, of course, will want to work with all those who advance the country’s path to the EU and EU integration, implementing reforms and all the necessary steps that would bring the country as soon as possible to the EU, noted David Geer.

To the journalist’s question whether they are talking with the parties and whether they will advocate for the integration of the country in the EU, Gir answered that they are in communication with everyone, but that the formation of a government does not belong to the EU.

– Now practically all political parties during the election campaign set a clear agenda, a pro-EU agenda and their belief that they will move the country forward towards the European Union, pointed out David Geer.

The ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia held a lecture on “EU Enlargement” at the University of Tetovo.