Sunday, 8 September 2024
Macedonia 08.09.24 | 21:41

Best wishes to Ageler on this special September 8th occasion: Similar to our independence, yours was fought for and cost you many lives

On September 8, the nation’s Independence Day, the United States of America’s ambassador, Angela Ageler, issued a congratulations message.Ageler states, “on this special day, we join North Macedonia and all of you in celebrating your independence and your dynamic and diverse communities,”...

Macedonia 08.09.24 | 21:36

“We fight together, and we will succeed together,” a solemn academy on September 8

The government is hosting a formal academy today in honor of September 8, Independence Day, during which Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski will give a speech. The academy’s live feed is now underway:The state jazz orchestra will perform pieces by Macedonian composers relating to this issue, followed...

Macedonia 08.09.24 | 18:00

Congratulations on the occasion of Independence Day, September 8, was sent by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken

– The American people and the people of Macedonia share a commitment to democratic values. We look forward to continuing our joint work to promote those values, strengthen security and stability, and deepen economic ties in the region. The United States will continue to support our ally, Macedonia...

Macedonia 08.09.24 | 17:55

Prime Minister Mickoski Calls for National Unity with 10-Point Platform on Independence Day

In a speech commemorating Macedonia’s Independence Day on September 8, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski proposed a 10-point platform aimed at uniting all sectors of society. He called for collaboration among universities, trade unions, chambers of commerce, farmers, the Macedonian Academy of...

News 08.09.24 | 13:20

Mickoski: This generation has an obligation to correct the mistakes and create a future for everyone to come

Today marks the greatest beacon of the existence of the Macedonian state, the final act after the centuries-long struggle for freedom and independence, or what could be called the day above all days – September 8, the holiday of our independence, the president of the Macedonian government, Hristijan...

Macedonia 08.09.24 | 13:18

Fourteen individuals perished at the modular hospital three years after the horror in Tetovo

The tragedy of the fire in the modular hospital in Tetovo on September 8, 2021, which claimed 14 lives and injured many others, remains a deeply painful event. The court proceedings that followed, marked by delays and retrials, reflect the complexity of the legal aftermath surrounding the incident. The...

News 08.09.24 | 12:54

On September 8, Independence Day, President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova sent a message of congratulations to all of the citizens

On September 8, Independence Day, President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova sent a message of congratulations to all of the citizens. She emphasized that it is our responsibility to put aside our differences and come together in support of the public interest and the common good. Let’s unite and make...