Tag: Ana Paula Zacarias
Macedonia 30.06.21 | 16:13

Pendarovski: Zacarias’ statement undermines all efforts of the Portuguese presidency

Politicians who deal with politics are worse than politicians who are just trying to interpret historical epochs. I sincerely regret the deeply misleading statement of the Portuguese Minister who undermined all the efforts made by her counterpart Silva from the same government months ago, said President...

Macedonia 30.06.21 | 15:54

Zaev also lied about the formulation of the language: Bulgarian medium claims that the Portuguese proposal is “one language, called in different ways”

Reporting on the events and reactions in Macedonia over the statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias about the “North Macedonian” language that was once Bulgarian, the online edition of Sofia-based “Dnevnik” reveals new details of the...

Macedonia 30.06.21 | 15:05

Dimitrov says Portuguese diplomat’s statement is “inappropriate and unfortunate”

The Portuguese proposal relies on the draft-negotiating framework proposed by the European Commission, the paragraph on the Macedonian language to remain as it is – Macedonian language alongside unilateral statement on Bulgaria’s position regarding the matter, Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov...

Macedonia 30.06.21 | 14:38

Government: Portuguese diplomat’s statement isn’t consistent with Portugal’s proposal for finding solution

The statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias, about the Macedonian language, if reported accurately, isn’t at all consistent with the Portuguese proposal on finding a solution either by essence or by methodology, the government told MIA. The government points...

Macedonia 30.06.21 | 14:32

EU doesn’t want to comment on the Portuguese diplomat’s statement that the Macedonian language was part of the Bulgarian

The European Union will not comment on the statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias, who said that the Macedonian language was once part of the Bulgarian. “Republika” asked the EC spokesperson Ana Pisonero whether in this way the EU is undermining...

Macedonia 30.06.21 | 10:14

Scandalous audio recording of Zacarias’ statement: North Macedonian language was once part of the Bulgarian

The SDK news portal published an audio recording of the controversial and scandalous statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias regarding the Macedonian language. In the audio recording Zacarias says that the “North Macedonian language” was once...

Macedonia 29.06.21 | 15:01

Zaev said it was a good proposal: For Portugal, the Macedonian language was part of the Bulgarian language

Speaking to the press in Lisbon two days before the end of the presidency, Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias said that the debate was particularly difficult for Bulgaria, related to the history, cultural identity of the two countries. We must respect the Bulgarian...