Tag: bekteshi
Economy 06.12.21 | 22:19

Inflation watch: Government now wants to freeze the price of pasta, eggs and rice

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi announced that the Government is planning to freeze the prices of new food staples, such as rice, pasta and eggs. The first round of these decisions included meat, milk and flour. Macedonia has been facing spiking food and other prices for months, and it has become...

Macedonia 31.05.21 | 11:20

One Minister says that the Government is looking for investors for the Popova Sapka ski resort – another claims that the deal is already done

DUI party officials gave conflicting statements about the Government’s plan to sell the Popova Sapka ski resort. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said that he is promoting the underdeveloped resort during his foreign trips, together with the Brezovica resort in Kosovo on the northern side of the Shara...

Macedonia 30.05.21 | 19:06

Minister Bekteshi says he is investigating claims that dangerous oil was imported and burnt in Macedonia

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi said that the Ministry conducted an audit in the import of heating oil and will soon reveal details. The move comes after an investigative news organization reported that oil that contained pollutants over the maximum allowed limits that is banned in the European Union...

Macedonia Economy 07.05.21 | 13:35

Weddings could be allowed starting in late May

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi announced that it’s possible to allow restaurants to cater wedding again starting in late May. Owners of this type of restaurants have been protesting for months, and are financially ruined with the ban introduced last year. Bekteshi said that restrictions are being...

Economy 24.03.20 | 13:56

DUI is opposed to Zaev’s proposal to force the public sector administration on the minimum wage

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi, who is from the DUI party, spoke out against the proposal from SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev to introduce a major, two months long cut in public sector salaries to prop up the budget. Bekteshi said that he agrees with the cut, which would reduce public sector employees...

Economy 02.10.19 | 13:59

Economy Minister Bekteshi signs order to rescind the Ilovica copper mine permit

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi signed a proposal to revoke the right of the Canadian Euromax Resources company to open the large Ilovica copper mine near Strumica. Bekteshi’s decision will now be sent to the Government for approval. The move comes after a Committee set up by the Ministry rejected...

Macedonia 28.05.19 | 18:09

Zaev and Ahmeti will discuss the purge this week, Deskoska, Sugareski and Ademi likely to go

Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi, who comes from the DUI party, announced a meeting of Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti for this week, when the two will discuss the expected changes to the Government. Zaev began the promised purge by dismissing about a 100 SDSM party officials, including six deputy leaders,...

Macedonia 10.05.19 | 18:35

Economy Minister off the hook in case of nepotistic hiring – sister in law is not considered a close enough relation to warrant an investigation

The Anti-Corruption Commission said it will not begin an investigation into Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi, who is suspected of influencing the hiring of his sister in law in the state run ELEM energy company. According to the Commission, this case of nepotism will not be investigated because sister...

Economy 23.01.19 | 12:39

One of Zaev’s richest ministers rudely rebuffs seller who complains about new fees, regulation

One of the richest men in Zaev’s Government, Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi, rudely told off a farmers market seller who complained that she and her colleagues are poor and can’t afford the new fees and regulation imposed on them. Please don’t manipulate us. We are poor, the woman...