Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 21.03.22 | 16:00

Bulgarians also compared the positions of their country toward Macedonia with Putin’s historic narrative on Ukraine

Bulgaria formally protested against Macedonian politicians who compared its denial of the Macedonian national identity and history to the historic narrative Russia builds up to justify its attack on Ukraine. The formal protest from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry followed after VMRO-DPMNE Vice President...

Macedonia 21.03.22 | 12:41

Kovacevski: The public will be informed of any agreement with Bulgaria only after it is reached

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that talks with Bulgaria are advancing well but that he will inform the public about the outcome only after some progress is finalized. Once there is a document that is acceptable to both sides, it will be shared with the institutions and with the public, Kovacevski...

Macedonia 21.03.22 | 10:55

Bulgaria will support Macedonia’s EU path, but only after its demands are met, PM Petkov tells Kathimerini

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov told the Greek Kathimerini paper that his country will support Macedonia in its EU accession process, but only after all issues, such as greater minority rights for Bulgarians, are resolved. The key Bulgarian demand right now is that Macedonia amends its Constitution...

Balkans 19.03.22 | 23:51

In a move that could affect the whole of the Balkans, Bulgaria plans to give up on Russian gas

Bulgaria announced it will not renew its contract with Gazprom for deliveries of Russian gas, and that it will look for other suppliers, Finance Minister Asen Vasilev said. Bulgaria receives all of its gas from Russia, and has a 10 year contract that expires at the end of 2022. It already gave up on...

Macedonia 18.03.22 | 22:07

Bulgaria should lift its veto and recognize the Macedonian national identity

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski called on Bulgaria to lift its veto and to give guarantees that it will not raise issues over the Macedonian national identity. This, Nikoloski said, will re-assure Macedonians that Bulgaria has no intention to make an issue of Macedonia’s identity. Bulgaria...

Macedonia 14.03.22 | 20:30

Internal divisions develop both in Macedonia and in Bulgaria as the June deadline draws closer

Bulgarian officials, but also Macedonian officials, are showing signs of division as the June deadline to resolve the historic dispute draws near. Bulgarian nationalist politician Kostadin Kostadinov shared the minutes from a recent meeting between Foreign Minister Teodora Gencovska and EU Commissioner...

Macedonia 11.03.22 | 13:19

Bulgaria will help Macedonia in implementing EU green legislation

Macedonia and Bulgaria agreed to increase cooperation in green policies and the environment, during a meeting hosted by the Bulgarian Environment Ministry in Sofia. Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for the environment Borislav Sandov led the delegation that met with Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister for...

Macedonia 11.03.22 | 11:32

Bulgarians in Macedonia warn that the Interior Ministry is harassing them, blame Minister Spasovski

Petar Kolev, leader of the GDU party that represents ethnic Bulgarians in Macedonia, accused the Interior Ministry of initiating a campaign of harassment against those driving cars with Bulgarian license plates. For days now, hundreds of people who drive cars with Bulgarian license plates report that...

Macedonia 10.03.22 | 20:21

Macedonian and Bulgarian Posts sign memorandum of cooperation

Following the efforts of the two governments for increased dynamics of cooperation and implementation of joint projects, the directors of the Bulgarian Posts EAD and AD Post of Macedonia today in Sofia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for postal cooperation. The Memorandum of Understanding on Postal...

Macedonia 08.03.22 | 09:19

Osmani hopes Bulgaria dispute will be resolved by June

Regarding Bulgaria, Bujar Osmani pointed out that we are communicating with the Bulgarian Government on a political level. The last round of political talks, he added, took place in Munich, and the proposal is to define the issues for unblocking our accession process through a comprehensive protocol....

Macedonia 03.03.22 | 18:12

Return tickets Skopje – Sofia will be priced at 70 EUR

The Bulgarian GulivAir travel agency will begin its flights between Skopje and Sofia on March 26th. It expects to price the return ticket at 70 EUR, which will be competitive with the car travel cost. Introducing this line is part of the push to improve relations between the two countries, which are...

Balkans 03.03.22 | 11:21

Bulgaria observes Treaty of San Stefano according to which they consider Macedonia to be Bulgarian

Bulgaria is observing its national holiday today – 144 years since the end of the Russo-Turkish liberation war, which began its renewal as an independent state, MIA reports from Sofia. The treaty was signed in the suburbs of Istanbul – San Stefano on February 19 / March 3, 1878, on the birthday...

Macedonia 01.03.22 | 17:41

The Government will not ban the airing of Bulgarian TV channels in Macedonia

Following the decision to ban the airing of Russian TV stations in Macedonia, Republika asked the Government if it intends to do the same for the Bulgarian channels. Bulgaria pushed to demand the airing of its channels in Macedonia last year, and they now continue to broadcast propaganda that undermines...

Macedonia 01.03.22 | 12:57

Bulgaria has violated three agreements so far, so we demand strong guarantees for the independence of the Macedonian language and people

The aggressive Bulgarian policy that directly hits the foundations of the Macedonian state and the Macedonian people is not a surprise for the vice president of VMRO-DPMNE Aleksandar Nikoloski. He reminds that Bulgaria has been pursuing that policy for 150 years, since the founding of the Bulgarian state,...

Macedonia 28.02.22 | 20:39

Bulgaria helped extract Macedonian citizens from Ukraine

Bulgaria has evacuated a number of Macedonian citizens from Ukraine, said its Foreign Minister Teodora Gencovska. The country evacuated a group of 200 citizens, mostly Bulgarians, but the group includes Americans, Macedonians, Ukrainians and Georgians. Yesterday, Bulgarian diplomats helped 22 Macedonian...

Macedonia 28.02.22 | 11:51

VMRO-DPMNE: It’s absurd for Kovacevski to give guarantees to Petkov and Bulgaria without giving guarantees to his people

SDSM and Kovacevski are silent, thus rejecting VMRO-DPMNE’s proposals for building national unity. SDSM first refused to vote on the Declaration on the character and work of Goce Delcev in the year that marks the 150th anniversary of his birth. Now, even more symptomatically, SDSM and Kovacevski...

Macedonia 25.02.22 | 16:06

Even as they demand greater minority rights, Bulgarians denounce the Macedonian national identity

Representatives of Bulgarians from Macedonia, who held meetings with top Bulgarian Government officials over the past few days in Sofia, had serious allegations against Macedonia. A key demand of the group, and of Bulgaria, is that the Macedonian Constitution is amended and that the Bulgarian community...

Macedonia 25.02.22 | 11:06

VMRO-DPMNE: Kovacevski and SDSM won’t give written guarantees on the talks with Bulgaria

Why is the Government refusing to give written guarantees that it will not undermine the Macedonian national identity in its negotiations with Bulgaria, asks the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party in a press statement. Kovacevski and the SDSM party are silent on our latest proposal to shore up our positions...

Macedonia 25.02.22 | 09:58

Macedonian and Bulgarian historians meet to negotiate over Tsar Samuil

The historic committee between Macedonia and Bulgaria begins a new round of meetings today. Main topic of discussion should be the legacy of the medieval Tsar Samuil, who is claimed by both countries. Bulgaria wants the Macedonian historical narrative to be changed and to have the ruler portrayed as...

Macedonia 24.02.22 | 23:02

Proposal to make the Bulgarian demands part of Macedonia’s EU accession process is unacceptable to VMRO-DPMNE

If Bulgaria succeeds to make its demands part of Macedonia’s EU accession process, that will be the start of a hellish period where we will constantly be under pressure, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski. Earlier this year, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov indicated that...
