Tag: grubi
Macedonia 17.06.20 | 10:50

Grubi: DUI made Zaev Prime Minister to rename Macedonia

We made Zoran Zaev Prime Minister in order to change the Constitution, the name of Macedonia and to introduce bilingualism, said DUI party official Artan Grubi. DUI helped Zaev grab power in 2017 then they gave him the votes needed to form a Government, in violation to the principle DUI itself favored...

Macedonia 12.06.20 | 22:45

DUI reminds Zaev of their kingmaker role: In 2016 the voters chose Nikola Gruevski but we made you Prime Minister

DUI party officials Bujar Osmani and Artan Grubi extended the party’s fight with Zoran Zaev and his SDSM party. DUI came out with a request that the next Prime Minister is an ethnic Albanian, which prompted a rare outburst from Zoran Zaev, who while usually quick to accept any concession with Macedonian...

Macedonia 27.04.20 | 21:26

DUI’s Grubi wants the Constitutional Court to decide on whether the Parliament can re-convene

Artan Grubi from the DUI party said that the Constitutional Court should be the one to decide whether the Parliament can be recalled. The ruling SDSM party and some of its allies are proposing that the Parliament, which dissolved in mid February, re-convenes, but DUI and the main opposition VMRO-DPMNE...

Macedonia 14.02.20 | 14:20

DUI wants Zaev to accept a move that would make Albanian voters even more over-represented in Parliament

Artan Grubi from the DUI party said that they will support Zoran Zaev’s law on state prosecutors, but in exchange, they want to see the borders between the electoral districts redrawn. The DUI request, Grubi said, would see the city of Debar and the municipality of Mavrovo-Rostuse removed from...

Macedonia 29.01.20 | 17:03

New law would ban Skopje citizens from disconnecting from the central heating system

The DUI party proposed that Skopje citizens who want to disconnect their central heating service, would be allowed to do so only if they prove that their alternative source of heating is energy efficient. This amendment, proposed by DUI’s Artan Grubi, was accepted by the European Affairs Committee...

Macedonia 24.01.20 | 10:42

Misajlovski: SDSM and DUI hired 4.000 party activists in the past two months alone

The ruling SDSM party and its DUI coalition partner had 4.000 political activists hired in the public sector in the past two months, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice-President Vladimir Misajlovski. During a TV debate with Damjan Mancevski from SDSM and Artan Grubi from DUI, Misajlovski said that the Government began...

Macedonia 23.10.19 | 16:46

Grubi: Zaev was ready to resign but Ahmeti talked him out of it

DUI party official Artan Grubi said that Zoran Zaev was prepared to resign as Prime Minister following the disastrous defeat in Brussels, but was talked out of it by DUI party leader Ali Ameti. Yes, he was ready, but we did not agree. Ahmeti told him that there is no need to accept guilt where he has...

Macedonia 08.10.19 | 14:51

Zaev says he will implement the opinion of the Venice Commission, condemns Grubi’s threat of war over the Albanian language war

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that his Government will be ready to implement the decision of the Venice Commission on the controversial law on the use of the Albanian language. The Council of Europe’s Commission found that the law, which is key to keeping Zaev’s coalition with Albanian parties...

Macedonia 07.10.19 | 14:20

Grubi warns that the law on the use of the Albanian language is important to preserving the peace

DUI party official Artan Grubi said that the law on the use of the Albanian language, which faces serious criticism from the Venice Commission, contributes to the peace in Macedonia. Such thinly veiled threats are frequent from the ethnic Albanian party. Grubi said that the critical opinion from the...

Macedonia 22.07.19 | 15:58

DUI official Artan Grubi opposes Ruskoska’s nomination, says it is not up to the Government or the Parliament to elect prosecutors

Artan Grubi from the DUI party also came out against Zoran Zaev’s proposal to name Vilma Ruskoska as the next Special Prosecutor, following the resignation of Katica Janeva, forced out by a major corruption scandal. Grubi said that it is a bad precedent that the Government or the Parliament propose...

Macedonia 27.06.19 | 20:03

Grubi calls Sela a coward for getting beaten up

In an unruly debate in the Parliament, Artan Grubi from the DUI party called the opposition Albanian leader Ziadin Sela “a coward” for being beaten up during the 2017 incident. Sela sustained serious injuries in the incident which the SDSM and DUI parties sparked in the Parliament, when they...

Macedonia 25.06.19 | 17:17

Artan Grubi demands answers from the police after the major tobacco seizure in Ljuboten

Following the mass police raid to confiscate contraband tobacco in the village of Ljuboten near Skopje, DUI member of Parliament Artan Grubi demanded accountability from the police. The Financial Police needs to explain why such serious police presence in Ljuboten. The spectacular demonstration of power...

Macedonia 05.05.19 | 21:43

DUI official gloats: We elected the President

DUI party official Artan Grubi was gloating this evening, as results revealed that nearly all ethnic Albanians who voted in the presidential elections supported Stevo Pendarovski. Ali Ahmeti and DUI elected the Speaker of the Parliament. Ali Ahmeti and DUI elected the Prime Minister. Ali Ahmeti and DUI...

Macedonia 24.04.19 | 14:49

Albanian politicians jump on the Sazdo murder trial to score political points

Albanian political parties in Macedonia are using the sentences in the murder of a young Macedonian in the political campaign, promising leniency to the ethnic Albanian murderers if they win the presidential elections. The two ruling parties, SDSM and DUI, jumped on the case are are using it for their...