Tag: import
Balkans 31.10.23 | 11:42

In 2022, Serbia imported approximately 24 tons of apples from Macedonia

In 2022, Serbia primarily imported apples from Macedonia, totaling 23,837.8 tons valued at EUR 3.1 million out of a total apple import of 26,126 tons worth EUR 3.7 million. Additionally, various vegetables were imported, with tomatoes having the highest import value of around EUR 21 million. Tomatoes...

Economy 08.06.23 | 09:15

Increase of the exports, decrease of the imports in the first three months of the year

The total value of the exported goods from the country in the period January – April 2023 amounts to $3,005,376,000 and marks an increase year-on-year of 3.1%, the State Bureau of Statistics reported on Wednesday. The value of the imported goods amount to $3,899,163,000, which is 10.7% less than...

Macedonia Economy 22.12.20 | 16:30

Parliament halves taxes to register foreign cars that are already used in Macedonia

The Macedonian Parliament approved a proposal from the Government to reduce taxes for registering foreign vehicles in Macedonia by 50 percent. This applies to cars who are already used in the country, brought here no later than October 1, and were driven under foreign license plates. The environmental...

Macedonia Economy 22.11.20 | 11:35

Citizens driving foreign cars will be allowed tax breaks if they register them in Macedonia

The Government plans to allow citizens who use cars with foreign license plates to register them in Macedonia. This is common practice especially in the east of the country, where cheaper imports from Bulgaria are often driven under their original license plates. Emigrants to western European countries...

Macedonia Economy 30.10.20 | 17:22

Sharp drop in the number of imported cars

Import of used cars has dropped by 42 percent over the first nine months of 2020. The Customs office said that only 11,000 cars were imported in this period, compared to 26,000 in 2019. As for new cars, the number of imports dropped from 6,300 to 3,800. Besides the coronavirus crisis, a big reason for...

Macedonia 22.01.20 | 13:55

Oliver Spasovski assures the public that the waste imported to Macedonia is safe

Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski today denied the allegations that toxic waste is imported into Macedonia and burnt as fuel. Suspicions are rife after the head of the Drisla waste management company in Skopje was charged with importing a cargo of Italian garbage to Bulgaria for disposal in a coal...

Economy 02.01.20 | 10:38

Progressive duties imposed on car imports, linked to the vehicle’s price and environmental standards

The outgoing Government adopted a new regulation for duties on car imports that introduces a progressive scale depending on the value of the vehicle, and on its environmental standards. Vehicles that cost under 10.000 EUR will be exempt from the import tax, but it goes steeply up as the price increases,...

Macedonia 20.12.19 | 12:44

Customs: It is not true that coke containing 18% sulfur is imported to Macedonia

Petroleum coke is free to import, ie it is not subject to trade policy measures, the Customs Administration said in a statement. They claim that according to the quality certificates attached to the coke import, the allegations that coke containing 18% sulfur is imported to Macedonia are incorrect. As...

Life 25.12.18 | 12:24

Where do toys in EU come from?

The European Union (EU) is a net importer of toys from the rest of the world. EU exports to non-EU countries are five times lower than imports from non-EU countries, according to Eurostat. In 2017, the EU imported toys worth almost €7.4 billion and exported only about €1.4 billion to non-EU countries....