Tag: Nevzat Bejta
Macedonia 29.03.23 | 09:43

Bejta: In DUI, democracy should be respected once and for all

Who is Artan Grubi to seek reconciliation? He is where he is at the suggestion of Ali Ahmeti and he has nothing to ask for, Nevzat Bejta, a long-time official from the ranks of DUI, who is now part of the dissatisfied in the party, says in an interview with the Vecer newspaper. Mr. Bejta, what’s...

Macedonia 22.02.23 | 09:46

Bejta: The division began when Grubi came

At a party meeting, the head of the DUI Saraj branch, Isni Jakupi, who is also part of the dissatisfied group, said that he had invited the leadership of DUI in Saraj to express the people’s dissatisfaction with the neglect and non-representation of Saraj at any level of the executive power. The...

Macedonia 28.10.19 | 20:51

Bejta: I received death threats, reported the case to the police

DUI Vice President Nevzat Bejta confirmed that he received death threats over the phone. He told the Flaka news portal that the recent media reports had been tru , and that the authorities were now handling the case. Yes, I received threats and I reported the case to the police. I expect the institutions...

Macedonia 07.03.19 | 12:11

Bejta: With the election of Stevo Pendarovski as president, and the presidency will breathe in Albanian as well

At the meeting with the leadership of the municipal organization, the Women’s Forum, the Youth Forum and the presidents of the local councils of the Democratic Union for Integration in Gostivar, the president of the branch and vice-president of DUI Nevzat Bejta spoke before the attendees about...