Tag: retirement
Macedonia 04.07.24 | 19:23

Partisan judge Dobrila Kacarska resigns from the Constitutional Court

Dobrila Kacarska, one of the most notorious judges who helped prop up the Zaev regime, is removed from her office at the Constitutional Court, on the grounds of retirement. Vesna Dameva from the Judicial Council informed the Parliament that Kacarska’s term in office has expired. Until recently...

Economy 16.03.22 | 20:42

Pensions will go up by 15 EUR in September

The Parliament adopted the proposed changes to the retirement law, that will restore the model for calculating pensions that was abandoned in 2018. The model will increase retirement incomes as they will be aligned to the cost of living and the fluctuation of the average wage. The ruling SDSM –...

Economy 04.03.22 | 19:09

Labour Minister says payment of pensions will continue without problem

Labour and Welfare Minister Jovanka Trencevska said that the payment of retirement incomes will continue and is safe and secure, even in the midst of a major crisis. Trencevska convened a meeting of the board monitoring the stability of the retirement system, which concluded that the PIOM retirement...

Macedonia 26.01.22 | 12:48

Post Office will begin delivering payments to retirees at home to protect them from Covid

The Macedonian Post Office intends to begin delivering retirement incomes at home again. Most retirees were required to switch to debit cards, a process that intensified with the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. But now the Post Office says that this poses new risks, as it increases crowds in the...

Macedonia 20.09.20 | 16:57

Retirement at 64 and 62 will not be compulsory in the private sector

Compulsory retirement at 64 years of age for men and 62 for women will not apply to the private sector, but only to the public sector, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jagoda Sahpaska informed on Sunday. It is a law that will include all employees in the public sector and will leave the possibility...

Economy 11.09.20 | 09:45

Retirement at 64 to be compulsory

We will make a decision on compulsory retirement at 64 years of age for men while women can opt to retire at 62, says Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. PM Zaev told editors and journalists during a Q&A session on the Macedonian Television that years of experience can be bought before the age of 64 or 62,...

Economy 31.08.20 | 21:12

Government plans to introduce mandatory retirement at 62/64 years

The Government plans to propose a new law that would force all citizens over 64 or 62 to retire. Currently the law allows people to protract the retirement, but under the new law it would be mandatory for all employees except for the medical staff and highly educated professionals. Zoran Zaev said that...

Economy 12.02.19 | 09:43

World Bank suggests that Macedonia extends the retirement age in order to save its pension system

World Bank calls on Macedonia to increase the retirement age, warning that without reforms the pension system will continue to be unsustainable. According to a WB report, the system is also not fair enough, and a strong policy reform push would stabilize the PIOM fund and make it more fair. The Bank...

Economy 29.01.19 | 18:46

Charges of abuse in the PIOM retirement fund cause rift in the SDSM – DUI coalition

An investigation in the missing retirement payments of 12.000 public and private employees, which Labour and Welfare Minister Mila Carovski from the SDSM party announced this week, caused a rift with SDSM’s coalition partner DUI, whose officials manage the PIOM state owned retirement fund. Deputy...