Tag: stip
Macedonia 04.01.20 | 19:58

Arms cache, including a Heckler gun, seized in Stip

A man from Stip as arrested with a small arsenal of weaponry in his home, which included a Heckler automatic gun. A rifle, a pistol and two revolvers, as well as a cache of ammunition were also found during the police raid in the 44 year old man’s home and other offices. The man has been detained...

Macedonia 22.11.19 | 10:06

Construction worker injured after a fall in Stip, company owner claims he doesn’t know him

A construction worker fell from the third floor of a building under construction in Stip. After the man was hospitalized with injuries to his legs and ribs, police contacted the developer, who insisted that he “doesn’t know the worker”. Local Star TV reported that the incident happened...

Macedonia 24.10.19 | 18:41

Cars owned by the family of SDSM official torched in Stip

Five vehicles were set on fire in Stip this morning, three of them belonging to the family of former SDSM member of Parliament Marinela Tuseva Maricic. Tuseva is the wife of Zaev’s foreign policy adviser Bojan Maricic and she blamed the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party for the incident. The leopard...

Macedonia 17.09.19 | 12:48

Girl from Stip was forced into a life of prostitution by her family

Star TV from Stip reports that a 14 year old girl was recently removed from her mother after she was forced to a life of prostitution, starting when she was just 11. According to the report, the family owed money to local loan sharks and had the little girl sold to a pimp in Sweden for 5.000 EUR. Months...

Macedonia 30.08.19 | 23:54

You won’t be seeing the Przino movie while I’m at the helm of VMRO-DPMNE

This government is the biggest enemy of justice, VMRO-DPMNE president Hristijan Mickoski said in Stip. That is why Zaev is fighting so hard to retain the privileges and installations in the prosecution. So first Zaev will boast that he has a two-thirds majority for the prosecution law, and when he sees...

Macedonia 07.07.19 | 16:05

The Goce Delcev highway between Skopje and Stip was left unmarked

Following the incident with the Macedonian national anthem, another dispute regarding Goce Delcev is brewing. Motorists who were using the new Skopje – Stip highway report that there is not a single sign depicting hs name – the Goce Delcev highway. Delcev famously taught and operated out...

Macedonia 06.07.19 | 21:06

High profile political prisoner Mitko Cavkov transferred to the Stip prison

Political prisoner Mitko Cavkov was transferred from the Sutka prison near Skopje to the Stip prison yesterday evening. The former Interior Minister, who was sentenced as a “terrorist” in the April 2017 trial, is sentenced to 18 years in prison. Stip prison warden Miki Todorov said that the...

Macedonia 06.07.19 | 10:01

Zaev will officially open another one of Gruevski’s highways

The Zaev Government is holding an opening ceremony for the Skopje – Stip highway, which has been in use for several weeks now. The 47 kilometers long highway, worth 177 million EUR, is a rare new infrastructure investment project in the underdeveloped eastern part of Macedonia It was initially...

Macedonia 14.06.19 | 15:00

Truck carrying 40 migrants from Pakistan and Syria stopped by the police near Stip

Yesterday afternoon Stip police stopped a truck carrying 40 migrants on the road with Radovis. The migrants were mostly from Pakistan (26), Syria (10) and Egypt. Twelve of them are minors. The truck was driven by a 46 year old man from a village east of Skopje. He is detained as charges are formed against...

Economy 05.06.19 | 11:00

At long last: the Skopje – Stip highway is open for business

One of the first orders of business for the Zaev Government, after it was brought to power in 2017, was to stop work on two of the three major highways being built by the Nikola Gruevski Government. The Skopje – Stip and Kicevo – Ohrid highways, built in cooperation with a Chinese investor,...

Macedonia 26.05.19 | 10:26

Visitors to the Stip Zoo shocked by poor living conditions for the animals

Visitors to the Stip Zoo took to their social media accounts to decry the disastrous living conditions for the animals kept there. One visitor wrote that the case of a brown bear kept there is particularly bad, as she’s stuffed in a narrow cage. This is crazy cruel. The cage is two by two. Poor...

Macedonia 25.05.19 | 18:40

Ten textile workers hospitalized in difficult condition after a measles outbreak in Stip

The health condition of ten female textile workers from Stip is listed as difficult, after measles spread in a factory. Healthcare workers vaccinated 37 of their colleagues in an attempt to stop the further spread of the disease, but fear that the number will increase, given that many of the workers...

Macedonia 24.05.19 | 20:23

Ten new measles cases reported in Stip

Ten new measles cases were reported in the Stip hospital. The patients include women from a textile factory in the city, whose cases may be related, and have raised fears of more cases to come. Six members of a family from Karbinci were also hospitalized. Immunization rates in Macedonia have dropped...

Macedonia 05.05.19 | 17:24

Police harassment, bribing of voters, reported in Stip

A series of voting irregularities were reported throughout the day, including the abuse of state institutions and the police. Police was very visible in Stip since the start of the voting. In a number of instances, it stopped opposition supporters in their cars. A photograph shared online shows the police...

Macedonia 01.05.19 | 18:07

Trafficker caught with 13 Bangladeshi migrants in his Opel Astra

A human trafficker was detained near Stip, while he was transporting 13 migrants in his car. The group of people from Bangladesh were crammed into an Opel Astra. The driver, identified as 26 year old A.A., was detained, as were the migrants he was transporting. Macedonia was a key stretch of the Balkan...

Macedonia 19.04.19 | 23:01

The imposed name will never take root, Siljanovska says during a large final rally in Stip

A massive crowd gathered for the VMRO-DPMNE rally in Stip, which is the final big rally of the campaign to elect Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova for President. The main Stip square was filled to capacity for Siljanvoska and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, who urged the voters to begin the removal...

Macedonia 04.04.19 | 17:04

Ministry of Labor’s new law is restrictive, cuts number of rights, privileges and benefits

During Thursday’s visit to Stip, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski met with representatives of associations of people with disabilities, as he says, people who have lately been put on the sidelines by the SDSM government led by Zoran Zaev. // #cboxCurrent { display:none !important;...

Macedonia 01.02.19 | 11:57

Husband and wife team from Stip arrested for selling heroin

A husband and wife team from Stip were detained for selling heroin. The 46 year old man and his 44 year old wife were detained with 180 grams of heroin, while they were preparing to pack it. The two were operating in Stip and Radovis. Stip police asked for detention orders and the couple will be detained...