Tag: trikafta
Macedonia 16.04.23 | 14:33

Healthcare Ministry won’t get involved in the disputed distribution of the cystic fibrosis drug

Healthcare Minister Fatmir Mexhiti was asked about the scandal over the expensive cystic fibrosis drug trikafta, which was eventually procured after public protests from patients but is apparently not being distributed evenly. Mexhiti said that the Government purchased drugs for 12 patients, and will...

Macedonia 15.04.23 | 12:24

Doctor threatened patient with cystic fibrosis with denial of treatment if he continues to protest the lack of lifesaving medicine

Igor Pehcevski, one of the patients suffering from cystic fibrosis who has been out campaigning for cure for the rare illness, says that a doctor rudely warned him to stop making statements about the lack of medicine and sid that he will be removed from the hospital. The patients were protesting to demand...

Macedonia 13.03.23 | 14:19

Daneva Markova: The sooner the legal changes are adopted, the sooner patients will have a simpler and faster delivery of medicines

The sooner the legal changes are adopted, the sooner patients will have a simpler and faster delivery of all medicines, said Prof. Dr. Ana Daneva Markova, health advisor to the prime minister, in response to a journalist’s question, whether she expects that those changes will be adopted quickly...

Macedonia 08.03.23 | 20:45

After deaths and long suffering, patients with cystic fibrosis expect to receive the expensive drug trikafta

Patients struggling with cystic fibrosis have been informed that the trikafta drug has been procured and that doses are in Macedonia. One of the patients, Blagojce Ilievski, who even met with President Stevo Pendarovski to plead that the public healthcare fund purchases the extremely expensive drug,...