Tag: znm
Macedonia 11.06.24 | 22:48

Journalist associations are pressuring a journalist over comments readers made on his Facebook page

Journalist and political activist Bogdan Ilievski, who was persecuted by the Zaev regime as one of the organizers of the protests against him, now faces pressure from the ZNM and SSNM associations of journalists. These two organizations are calling for a criminal investigation into Ilievski, because...

Macedonia 17.02.23 | 15:44

Journalist association: The Government created a huge PR operation that affects the freedom of the press

Journalists who protested in downtown Skopje, accused the Government of creating “the largest PR operation in the country” that tries to do the job of the free press by issuing bland statements and avoiding answers to the actual questions. The ZNM association of journalists and the SSNM union...

Macedonia 17.02.23 | 11:27

Journalists call for an end to the humiliating behavior from the Government and the politicians

Journalists gathered in front of the Government building today to protest the growing pressure they are put under. Organized by the ZNM association of journalists and the SSNM union, they called for an end to the insults and humiliations they suffer from the Government, and the unsafe working conditions. Our...

Macedonia 17.02.23 | 10:21

Journalist association calls for a protest gathering in front of the Government

The ZNM association of journalists will hold a protest march today, accusing the Government of worsening press freedom and the ability of journalists and reporters to do their work. In its announcement ZNM speaks broadly about “aggressive state PR that takes jobs from journalists, local media who...

Macedonia 04.02.23 | 17:32

Association of journalists condemns Government’s treatment of the press

The ZNM association of journalists strongly condemned the decision of the Kovacevski Government to restrict access to journalists at the honoring of Goce Delcev in Skopje. The Government denied accreditation to the key critical media outlets – including Republika – and then stopped even accredited...

Macedonia 16.12.20 | 10:05

Media organizations accuse Zaev of abandoning another of his Colored Revolution promises

Several associations of journalists condemned the announcement from Prime Minister Zoran Zaev that he will again allow the Government to procure services from media outlets. This is one of the few remaining planks of Zaev’s 2015 Colored Revolution that he hasn’t demolished yet. During the protests,...

Macedonia 16.11.20 | 09:48

Journalist association condemns threats from a minor party leader against journalist over the Serbian church dispute

The ZNM association of journalists condemned Petar Bogojeski, leader of the minor Macedonian Concept party, for a threat he aimed at journalist Branko Geroski. You will get your therapty and you will take it. No threat. It will be a bitter one. Watch it with your employees from the Serbian church. We...

Macedonia 31.07.20 | 15:36

Media associations react as journalist faces charges for reporting on the politization of the secret police

The ZNM and SSNM associations of journalists called on the state prosecutors to drop their case against Ljupco Zlatev, the editor of the Lider news site, who is being charged with revealing a classified document. The document showed how the powerful ANB secret police service is being politicized by rejecting...

Macedonia 27.03.20 | 18:06

Stamenkovska: The Government is using the epidemic to censor critical media outlets

The Government is trying to limit the freedom of the press just as critical media are posting key questions about corruption and abuse of office, said interim Deputy Public Administration Minister Nevenka Stamenkovska – Stojkovski. Stamenkovska, who is appointed to the Government by the opposition...

Macedonia 23.03.20 | 15:21

Journalist associations call on the Government to stop using their list to censor its chief critics

The ZNM and SEMM associations of journalists called on the Government to withdraw its proposal to limit the media outlets who can report during the overnight curfew. Similarly to the now withdraw proposal to limit the number of questions during a press conference, the Government announced it will limit...

Macedonia 04.03.20 | 21:27

ZNM also condemns the sentencing of journalist Aleksandar Mitovski

The ZNM association of journalists joined its colleagues in criticizing the sentencing of journalist Aleksandar Mitovski, for publishing the key testimony in the Racket scandal which proves the involvement of former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in the extortion racket. ZNM President Mladen Cadikovski said...

Macedonia 25.09.19 | 15:46

ZNM association of journalists joins calls to stop the prosecution of Aleksandar Mitovski

The ZNM association of journalists joins in the criticism of the decision by state prosecutors to go after Aleksandar Mitovski, editor of the Infomax news site. Mitovski is being charged with revealing a state secret after he published an excerpt from a testimony relevant to the racketeering scandal,...

Macedonia 25.07.19 | 21:31

Macedonian journalists united in opposition to the “fake news” censorship regulation

The Macedonian Association of Journalists (MAN) condemned the Government’s proposed regulation meant to combat “fake news” warning that it will lead to censorship of actual news that are critical of the Government. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced the regulation, the details of which...

Macedonia 28.05.19 | 17:20

Journalist association calls on the Special Prosecutor to drop charges against Zoran Bozinovski

The head of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (ZNM) Mladen Cadikovski met with prosecutors from the Special Prosecutors Office, to demand they end their case against Zoran Bozinovski, charged with espionage as part of a broad case that involved former intelligence officers and journalists. The...