Sunday, 3 March 2024
Macedonia 03.03.24 | 22:41

Siljanovska expresses gratitude to all who supported her nomination

VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova expressed gratitude to the tens of thousands of citizens who gave their signatures to support her presidential nomination today. This process is a matter of civic revolt, but more than that, a sign of hope that there are major changes...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 22:28

SDSM formally nominates Pendarovski for the presidential elections, he urged supporters to be more optimistic

This evening the SDSM party formally named incumbent Stevo Pendarovski as their presidential candidate at the coming elections. SDSM party leader Dimitar Kovacevski praised Pendarovski as a candidate “with a clear vision for a prosperous country and for integration in the European Union”. The...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 18:54

Maricic used a Government vehicle to give his signature in support of Pendarovski’s presidential nomination

SDSM official and Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Maricic used his Government issued vehicle today, when he came to give his signature for the nomination of Stevo Pendarovski for President. This is a clearly partisan matter, and official vehicles should not be used in this capacity. We can see his driver...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 18:43

Long lines of citizens eager to support Siljanovska’s nomination for President (GALLERY)

All day long, thousands of Macedonians waited in lines, at the local election offices and at notary offices, to give their signature for the VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova. The party informed that in just a few hours, Siljanovska won double the 10,000 votes that...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 18:12

“Let’s help Stevo move”

The voters can help Stevo Pendarovski make true on one of his promises and move out of the country, joked VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski today, while giving his signature for Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova for her presidential nomination. In one of his best known gaffes, Pendarovski told...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 15:29

Siljanovska collected double the number of signatures she needs in a matter of hours, she leads Pendarovski 2:1

VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova easily collected double the 10,000 signatures needed for a presidential run. VMRO leader Hristijan Mickoski, who signed on to Siljanovska’s list today, said that in just three hours, 15,000 citizens from across the country signed...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 11:29

Former SDSM official close to Zaev arrested in large marijuana smuggling raid

Boro Stojcev, former Mayor of the Novo Selo municipality near Strumica, is the high ranking former official who was arrested in a large marijuana sweep yesterday. Stojcev was nicknamed Boro Marlboro, after he was arrested in 2018 for smuggling cigarettes in neighboring Bulgaria. The incident was covered...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 11:20

Citizens come out to support Siljanovska’s presidential nomination

VMRO-DPMNE urged citizens to support presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova by signing up for her nomination at the local electoral commission office. Given the high level of popular support the party enjoys, it’s expected that far more than the needed 10,000 signatures will...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 11:13

SDSM expected to nominate Stevo Pendarovski as their presidential candidate

After VMRO-DPMNE formally nominated Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova as their presidential candidate, SDSM is expected to hold a convention today, and nominate incumbent President Stevo Pendarovski for another run – his third in a row. Pendarovski lost the 2014 elections to Gjorge Ivanov, and...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 09:32

The next President will put Macedonian national interests first

During the VMRO-DPMNE convention on Saturday, party leader Hristijan Mickoski outlined the principles that professor Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova will follow if elected President in the coming elections. Mickoski said that the President will need to protect the Constitution and serve the interests...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 09:09

Mickoski: Change is coming

We have an unfinished business from the last local elections, and that victory will be complete after the general and presidential elections, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski at the large party convention yesterday. VMRO nominated professor Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova as their presidential...