Friday, 12 April 2024
Macedonia 12.04.24 | 23:00

Mickoski: A vote for Stevo Pendarovski is a vote for Artan, Ali, Talat and Kovacevski

Every single citizen should know that a vote for Stevo is a vote for Artan, Ali, Talat and Kovacevski. The vote for Stevo Pendarovski is a vote for the claim that Gotse Delchev was Bulgarian. A vote for Stevo Pendarovski is a vote for accepting the Bulgarian dictate and accepting all harmful policies...

Macedonia 12.04.24 | 22:38

Candidate lists for the parliamentary elections are arranged by the SEC

The candidate lists for the upcoming parliamentary elections were arranged in order by the State Election Commission (SEC) on Friday. The first is the Coalition for European Future, led by SDSM. The coalitions led by the VMRO-DPMNE, Your Macedonia, and Brave for Macedonia are ranked 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6...

Macedonia 12.04.24 | 22:31

Taravari meets people in the Old Bazaar of Skopje; observable changes

During the election campaign, Arben Taravari, the presidential candidate from the Worth It coalition, met with citizens and visited several small businesses in Skopje’s Old Bazaar on Friday. Taravari stated, “The Worth It coalition, representing the Albanian opposition, pledges to invest...

Macedonia 12.04.24 | 22:09

Meeting between OSCE/ODIHR mission chief Stirk and Interior Minister Toshkovski

In a meeting with OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission chief Jillian Stirk on Friday, Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski gave her an update on the organization’s efforts to plan and carry out free and fair elections. According to a press release from the Ministry of Interior, Minister Toshkovski...

Macedonia 12.04.24 | 22:04

Mickoski: By rounding up number 2 on April 24 for Siljanovska Davkova, Macedonia will be proud again

Mickoski: By rounding up number 2 on April 24 for Siljanovska Davkova, Macedonia will be proud again, and we will help Pendarovski pack his bags Every time we have a government from SDSM, there is a direct blow to the Macedonian identity, so we must remind ourselves not to forget, said Hristijan Mickoski,...

Sport 12.04.24 | 18:21

Joelinton and Newcastle agree to a new, long-term contract

Newcastle United midfielder Joelinton has signed a new long-term contract with the club, extending his tenure with the Magpies. The Brazilian originally joined the club from Hoffenheim in 2019 and has since played 179 matches for Newcastle, contributing 25 goals during his time with the team. Joelinton...

News 12.04.24 | 18:16

Arsoski: The parts that were supposed to be disposed of burned, not Universal Hall

A fire broke out at the Universal Hall on Tuesday morning, engulfing construction materials that were set to be removed. The incident occurred after approximately 70% of the construction debris had already been disposed of, according to Lazar Arsoski, the contractor overseeing the project. He spoke at...

Macedonia 12.04.24 | 18:08

Director: Six kids at Children’s Clinic treated for whooping cough, no hospital stays for a while

A total of 410 cases of whooping cough have been reported since the beginning of the year. Six of these cases, primarily involving newborns, required hospitalization at the Children’s Clinic. The director of the Children’s Clinic, Valentina Cvejkoska Cholakovska, shared this information during...

World 12.04.24 | 13:31

Blinken contacts counterparts regarding possible Iranian attack concerns

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reached out to his counterparts in China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia amid concerns about a potential Iranian retaliatory attack on Israel, according to the US State Department. “Secretary Blinken has been actively engaged in diplomacy over the past 24 hours,...

Macedonia 12.04.24 | 12:40

Prof. Dr. Lionel Rostain, transplantologist from France and Prof. Dr. Igor Nikolov: by sending young doctors for training in France, our health system will be significantly strengthened

Professor Dr. Lionel Rostain, a transplantologist from the University Hospital in Grenoble, a city in France, has been staying in Skopje for the past period between Geneva and Lyon. He took an active part in the Congress of Nephrologists, which was attended by several doctors, and in a conversation for...