Saturday, 13 April 2024
Macedonia 13.04.24 | 20:53

Siljanovska responds to Osmani: We will not exclude the Albanians, only the criminals from DUI

VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova responded to attempts from the DUI party to present her campaign pitch for broader public support as something that is aimed against the ethnic Albanians. Siljanovska called on the voters to support VMRO in the general elections and...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 20:23

Kovacevski says he didn’t meet with Pendarovski and DUI to discuss the amnesty for high level corruption cases

SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski dismissed allegations from VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski about a high level meeting in the villa of President Pendarovski, where the DUI – SDSM coalition plotted to offer amnesty for corruption charges to former officials. The plan, that was largely implemented,...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 19:58

Siljanovska opposes the pre-election hiring of judges and prosecutors before the Administrative Court

Professor Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova appeared before the Administrative Court today to present her case in the motion against the Academy of Judges and Prosecutors (ASJO). Siljanovska, who is the VMRO-DPMNE candidate for President, presents the position that the recent hiring of 130 new students...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 19:34

Pendarovski doesn’t know you even exist, Nikoloski tells rural Macedonia

Macedonia has never had a President so out of touch with his people like Stevo Pendarovski is, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski during a visit to Berovci. e has no idea where you are and that you even exist. He may mix you up with Bunjakovec, Nikoloski told the citizens of the Prilep...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 13:29

Major drop in rice cultivation due to poor irrigation policies

Cultivated land in Kocani, Macedonia’s main rice growing region, has declined by almost a quarter, warned interim Deputy Agriculture Minister Cvetan Tripunovski from VMRO-DPMNE, who said that Minister Ljupco Nikolovski has failed to keep the irrigation system in order. Yesterday Nikolovski was...

Economy 13.04.24 | 12:22

The next Government will have to fight corruption and ensure economic stability, Slaveski says

VMRO-DPMNE official Trajko Slaveski announcecd that once in power, the party will begin a serious fight against corruption.  Corruption is the gangrenous wound on our society. Everybody sees what’s happening in the country. It is noted not only by the ordinary citizens but by international experts...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 11:11

After the critical Freedom House report, Albanian opposition parties blame DUI of undermining the judiciary

The VLEN coalition, that unites the main Albanian opposition parties, accused the ruling DUI party of undermining Macedonia’s rule of law. VLEN pointed to the recent Freedom House report that showed Macedonia sliding back in its democracy, mainly because of the rampant corruption. In its 20 years...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 09:58

DUI welcomes State Department position on the Prespa Treaty

The DUI party issued a statemetn in support of the recent State Department position, that Macedonia must “uphold the spirit of the Prespa Treaty”. The State Department was asked by the Voice of America about the practice to drop the imposed adjective “North” when speaking about...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 09:33

Mickoski: With Pendarovski, we will only get more DUI – SDSM corruption

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called out President Stevo Pendarovski for his support of the DUI – SDSM regime, and the major corruption scandals their top officials are involved in. Their entire rule is contained in the words – “just like until now”, Mickoski said, pointing...