Tag: crisis
Macedonia 31.07.20 | 15:31

Mickoski: Politics is distracting the country from the actual healthcare and economic crises we face

The political crisis and the difficult post-election coalition talks are distracting the country from issues that really matter to the citizens, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski, pointing to the continuing bad handling of the coronavirus epidemic and the economic decline. We talk about possible...

Macedonia 13.04.20 | 17:24

Quarantine lifted in Debar and Centar Zupa after 10 days with no new Covid-19 cases

The quarantine on the city of Debar and the neighboring Centar Zupa municipality will be lifted today. The area was the early hotbed of the coronavirus epidemic, after citizens who visited or worked in Italy came to the area and brought he virus. The small city and the near-by villages were sealed off...

Economy 01.04.20 | 14:36

Finance Minister Angelovska sees a budget shortfall of between 700 million and 1.3 billion EUR

Finance Minister Nina Angelovska outlined three scenarios for the coming economic crisis. Even under the most favorable scenario the budget would see a projected revenue shortfall of 20 percent, or a deficit of 700 million EUR, Angelovska said. This is caused by the quarantine and curfew ordered because...

Macedonia 27.03.20 | 16:44

Kumanovo authorities want full quarantine in one of Macedonia’s largest cities

The city of Kumanovo calls on the Government to declare a full quarantine in one of Macedonia’s largest cities. This was decided by the municipal crisis management center, on request of Mayor Maksim Dimitrievski, who wants to control who gets to enter and leave the city. Kumanovo does not have...

Macedonia 18.03.20 | 12:08

Pendarovski says Macedonia doesn’t have the resources necessary to declare a state wide crisis situation

President Stevo Pendarovski revealed to the public that Macedonia does not have the resources necessary to impose a crisis situation cross the entire country. So far the municipalities of Debar and Centar Zupa, which are under quarantine, had a crisis situation officially declared there and the police...

Macedonia 17.03.20 | 18:00

Party leaders divided over whether to declare a state of emergency or a crisis situation

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that party leaders were divided over whether to declare a crisis situation or state of emergency in Macedonia because of the coronavirus. VMRO-DPMNE proposed declaring a crisis situation across the whole of Macedonia while SDSM leader Zoran Zaev asked for...

Macedonia 16.03.20 | 19:34

Pendarovski won’t declare a crisis situation

President Stevo Pendarovski said that he will not propose that a crisis situation or a state of emergency is declared in Macedonia despite repeated calls from the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party to declare a crisis to better tackle the coronavirus. Pendarovski called up the Security Council and discussed...

Macedonia 15.03.20 | 16:33

Nikolov: Fighting the coronavirus requires declaring a crisis situation

Doctor Igor Nikolov, who is a member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee, called that a crisis situation is declared in Macedonia. Nikolov said that it is necessary for the protection of lives and for curbing the spread of the coronavirus. The borders need to be closed for all passengers, except for...

Macedonia 27.07.19 | 22:04

The Spanish political crisis could postpone Macedonia’s NATO membership bid

The political crisis in Spain could endanger Macedonia’s bid to join NATO in time for the December summit in London, 360 Degrees reports. Prime Minister designate Pedro Sanchez has been attempting to form a coalition Government with the left wing PODEMOS party, but talks have stalled and the parties...