Tag: prison
Macedonia 27.02.20 | 18:25

Albanian prisoners set their cells in the Kumanovo prison on fire

A group of Albanian prisoners in the Kumanovo prison set fire to their cells in a protest. The prisoners in Macedonia’s most recently built and most modern prison claim that they are banned from getting outside and after days of protests, the situation turned violent. The group was sent to the...

Macedonia 28.01.20 | 17:10

Former Interior Minister Mitko Cavkov begins prison hunger strike after he was denied the right to a surgery

Former Interior Minister Mitko Cavkov announced that he will begin a hunger strike, because the warden of the Stip prison, where is he serving out a lengthy “terrorism” sentence, will not allow him to operate his knee. This is a violation of my constitutional right to healthcare. The warden...

Macedonia 04.12.19 | 12:58

Court sentences Zoki Kiceec to 3 years in prison

The Skopje Criminal Court has pronounced the first verdict in the “Racket” case and has sentenced Zoran Milevski-Kiceec to three years in prison after he pleaded guilty at the first hearing on Tuesday. Milevski is charged with “receiving a reward for unlawful influence”. The court...

Macedonia 14.10.19 | 14:29

Violent migrant smuggler escapes from prison van as guards were busy getting sandwiches

Prisoner Fidan Iseini (37) was able to flee from a police van as he was transported back to prison from a hospital examination after the two guards stopped to get sandwiches. The guards were escorting Iseini to the Skopje clinic and were supposed to bring him back to the Idrizovo prison, when they stopped...

Macedonia 06.09.19 | 20:06

Milososki: Letters from prison are coordinated move between the Government, Janeva, Ruskoska and Joveski

The letters that Katica Janeva sends from prison are not on her own initiative, says MP Antonio Milososki, who, after today’s meeting of working groups on the prosecution law, said they were far from reaching an agreement with the government. The key differences remain without a common consensus....

Macedonia 31.07.19 | 15:00

Sead Kocan didn’t appear to begin serving his prison sentence – a judge can now order his arrest

Businessman Sead Kocan did not show up to begin serving his four year sentence in the Idrizovo prison. Reportedly, Kocan sought treatment in a private hospital. This opens the door for a judge to order his arrest. Kocan was targeted by the now disgraced Special Prosecutor’s Office, on allegations...

Macedonia 30.07.19 | 12:54

Following medical examinations, Janakieski was returned to the Sutka prison

Following medical examinations of his heart and kidney issues, political prisoner Mile Janakieski was returned to the Sutka prison prison. Doctors decided that there is no need to operate on Janakieski at this point. Janakieski is one of the most high profile VMRO-DPMNE officials arrested as part of...

Macedonia 27.07.19 | 12:04

Despite suffering from health issues, Mile Janakieski ordered into another month long detention

Former Transportation Minister Mile Janakieski, who keeps getting arrested and re-arrested by the Zaev regime, was ordered to serve another month in detention despite developing heart and kidney issues which required urgent treatment. Janakieski is most recently charged with allowing a planned hotel...

Macedonia 22.07.19 | 12:40

Court decides against businessman Sead Kocan’s request to postpone serving his prison sentence

A judge in Skopje rejected the latest request from businessman Sead Kocan to postpone the order for him to begin serving his four year prison sentence. Kocan, who underwent a heart procedure as he was being charged by the now disgraced Special Prosecutor’s Office, provided medical reports and asked...

Macedonia 06.05.19 | 15:07

Gordana Jankuloska ordered to report to prison on July 1st

Former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska was ordered to report to prison to begin serving out her four year sentence on July 1st. Today a judge accepted her request to have the carrying out of the sentence postponed on the count of her recently becoming a mother, but the stay is for less than a month. Jankuloska...

Macedonia 28.03.19 | 14:39

Gordana Jankuloska sentenced to four years in prison by the Skopje Appeals Court

The Skopje Appeals Court reduced the prison sentence given to former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska from six to four years. Jankuloska was charged in a number of cases initiated by the Special Prosecutor’s Office during the 2015 political crisis, and is sentenced over the purchase of an armored...

Macedonia 26.02.19 | 17:35

The warden of the terrorist run Skopje prison will remain in his post for at least two more months

Gjoko Kotevski, the Skopje prison warden who was told to resign after the savage beating of high ranking opposition officials Mile Janakieski and Spiro Ristovski last week, will remain in his post until after the presidential elections, the Zoran Zaev Government informed today. According to the Government’s...

Macedonia 22.02.19 | 10:22

Lirim Krasniqi’s cousin: Every politician involved in this trap will be punished

The cousin of Lirim Krasniqi, Muhamet Krasniqi, welcomed on Facebook the move of his cousin and comrade Esat Kafegjolli, who attacked former ministers Mile Janakieski and Spiro Ristovski in the Shutka prison on Thursday. Every politician involved in this trap … and who will fall into our hands...

Macedonia 02.02.19 | 21:03

I intended to go to prison, but then I learned about the plans for my liquidation

“At first, I intended, if the government went all the way, to go to jail, although unjustly, with totally crazy judgments. But in the last days I received information about my possible liquidation in the prison. Not immediately, but for some time. The final decision was at the very end,”...