Tag: sitel
Economy 19.08.20 | 10:42

Sitel TV: Finance Minister Nina Angelovska knew Eurostandard Bank is in trouble before she withdrew her deposits

Sitel TV reports that Finance Minister Nina Angelovska left just 8,000 EUR in her deposit account in the now bankrupt Eurostandard Bank. Angelovska had a deposit of over 250,000 EUR but withdrew it at a time when, given her position, she knew that the bank is going down, Sitel reports. The deposits were...

Macedonia 28.07.20 | 15:09

Sitel TV interview with Hristijan Mickoski this evening

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski will have an interview with Sitel TV this evening, at 19h. The interview comes at a time when VMRO is working on putting together a new governing coalition after the inconclusive elections of July 15.

Macedonia 24.05.20 | 17:46

Poll: Most voters want elections in September, or even later

A poll conducted by the Detektor show at the Sitel TV reveals that when presented with several options most citizens prefer to hold elections in September or later, believing it would be safe enough from the coronavirus epidemic. The ruling SDSM party insists that elections take place in June, even as...

Macedonia 19.05.20 | 22:09

Mickoski: VMRO will win in the elections, whenever they take place

VMRO-DPMNE will win the next elections whenever they take place, said opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski during his interview with Sitel TV. But, VMRO does not want to have the country pay a price in human lives just to hold elections. We will go to elections once the pandemic has died down and when...

Macedonia 19.05.20 | 18:12

Mickoski: If SDSM wants elections in June, good luck to them

Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski noted that just today Macedonia had two Covid-19 deaths and 22 newly infected cases, and warned that it is not serious to hold elections in early summer, as the ruling SDSM party demands. If they (SDSM) decide to go to the polls in June, good luck to them, Mickoski...

Macedonia 28.03.19 | 14:56

Latas resigns as editor in chief, says he wants to protect Sitel TV from further political pressure

Dragan Pavlovik – Latas, the long serving editor in chief of the best watched Sitel TV station, announced today he is resigning in order to reduce the political pressure exerted on himself and on the TV station. Latas faced criminal charges from the Special Prosecutor’s Office and was off...

Macedonia 13.03.19 | 14:59

Mickoski will discuss the political situation in a Sitel TV interview

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski will give an interview with the leading Sitel TV station this afternoon. Mickoski announced that he will discuss issues of importance for the public, as Macedonia moves toward presidential elections. He recently held talks with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev over guarantees...