Tag: stip
Macedonia 21.05.21 | 10:33

The Zaev Government is going down

One thing is clear – this Government is going down, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said after his meetings with aprty supporters in Stip and Vinica. Mickoski is on a tour of the country and during his meetings in the eastern regions he said that, after the change, the Zaev regime officials...

Macedonia Economy 11.04.21 | 11:33

Number of furloughed textile workers rose to 6,000

The number of furloughed textile workers stood at 6,000 last week. Only in Stip, which is Macedonia’s main textile base, 3,500 workers were furloughed – about half of the total number in about 70 mills, said Kiril Naskov from the local textile chamber. Companies are losing demand from their European...

Macedonia Economy 06.04.21 | 10:55

3,500 textile workers furloughed in Stip

Textile chamber officials from Stip warn that 3,500 workers from 70 textile mills were sent home due to the inability to provide salaries. The industry is struggling with low demand from partners in Europe, but the owners were hoping to keep the mills working with the subsidies promised in the latest...

Macedonia 04.02.21 | 18:46

Elementary school student from Stip was denied his award after beating high school students in a math competition

Damjan Davkov, an eight grade student from Stip, was denied an award after he beat out the competition from high schools and won the first place at a competition organized by the Education Ministry. Instead of being rewarded for his success, Davkov received a note from Education Minister Mila Carovska...

Macedonia 13.01.21 | 18:58

Mickoski blasts the government for breaking up the Vevcani carnival, while it allowed holding elections in Stip

Hristijan Mickoski, the leader of VMRO DPMNE commented on today’s event in Vevcani, when during the Carnival, the police intervened and attacked the people, reminding that during the local elections in Stip the same police stood aside during the celebration of victory of the new mayor. When the...

Macedonia 19.12.20 | 09:32

Despite having one deputy in isolation, Zaev and others who were potentially exposed during the “corona elections” in Stip continue with their public schedule

Violations of coronavirus restrictions displayed by top SDSM party officials, during the Stip mayoral elections, are a threat to public health, the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party said, noting that the infection of Deputy Prime Minister Ljupco Nikolovski has put the leadership of the country and many ordinary...

Macedonia 18.12.20 | 14:54

Deputy Prime Minister Nikolovski infected after the post-election celebrations in Stip

The news that one of the key Zaev loyalists in the Government, Deputy Prime Minister Ljupco Nikolovski, has tested positive on the coronavirus, comes only days after the Zaev regime staged unnecessary mayoral elections in Stip. The vote was boycotted by the opposition parties, who cited the exceptionally...

Macedonia 17.12.20 | 20:47

Election chaos in Stip: Extra ballot in ballot box, election commission didn’t submit report to SEC

The State Election Commission (SEC) ex officio today annulled the voting in the elections for mayor in the polling station 2266 in Stip, because the ballot box contained one ballot more than signatures in the excerpt from the voters’ list. The members of the Commission counted the ballots and determined...

Macedonia 17.12.20 | 13:45

Healthcare Minister Filipce met by protesters in Stip who blamed him for delaying work on their new hospital

During his visit to Stip, Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce was met by protesters, who blamed him for the delays that left the city without a proper hospital. Filipce came to the city to inspect construction of a small field hospital meant to help the dilapidated general hospital which treats Covid-19...

Macedonia 15.12.20 | 17:42

Dr. Igor Nikolov: After celebrations in Stip, Filipce and Zaev mock the people with new restrictions

Dr. Igor Nikolov reacts to the celebrations organized in Stip after the local elections, which take place during a serious situation with the coronavirus epidemic. As Dr. Nikolov pointed out, just a day or two after such celebrations and victory dancing, the Minister of Health Venko Filipce and the Prime...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 16:49

Integra party’s candidate made the census for Zaev in Stip elections

Analyzing the official results of the elections in Stip, it is noticed that the election of Sasko Nikolov almost failed. Only 11, 668 citizens of Stip voted for the candidate of SDSM Sasko Nikolov, but that would not have been enough if the other candidates, mostly Simon Polikarp from the Integra party...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 15:24

“Who will be held responsible for the deaths caused by the violation of restrictions in Stip?”

Who will be held responsible for the coronavirus deaths in Stip that will be caused by the reckless mayoral election and the violation of restrictions that followed, asked VMRO-DPMNE spokesman Naum Stoilkovski, as pictures of celebrations held by the SDSM party began to spread online. SDSM won the “election”...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 11:02

Coz we can: SDSM officials open a bar after hours to celebrate the “corona elections” in Stip

Following the SDSM “victory party” in the uncontested mayoral elections in Stip, pictures were shared not only from a brass band celebration on the city square, but also from a gathering of party officials in a bar where they were not wearing masks or maintaining distance at a time when the bar should’ve...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 09:02

VMRO: SDSM held mafia elections in Stip, a 34 percent turnout amounts to defeat of Zaev’s policies

After the mayoral elections in Stip, which were boycotted by all main opposition parties, VMRO-DPMNE said that the vote was a “mafia election”, fraught with bribery and intimidation. Zaev organized another election in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic just to protect his political power. They...

Macedonia 14.12.20 | 08:11

SDSM supporters hire a brass band to celebrate their win in the mayoral “corona elections” in Stip

Activists of the ruling SDSM party, led by their mayoral candidate Sasko Nikolov, who is a doctor, held a loud celebration of their election win on Sunday evening. Nikolov ran practically unopposed, except for a few small party candidates who were there to help him reach the turnout necessary to win...

Macedonia 13.12.20 | 20:47

With over 2,000 deaths, SDSM celebrates victory in the corona elections

Music, gathered followers, corona party – downtown Stip SDSM is already celebrating victory in the elections for mayor, although in the midst of a pandemic the census was barely secured. photo: 360 Degrees The candidate for mayor Sasko Nikolov also arrived at the party headquarters, who said that...

Macedonia 13.12.20 | 20:40

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev, Nikolov and SDSM are to blame for all deaths and infections in Stip after Sunday’s elections

Zaev today showed all his political madness. In the midst of an epidemic in Stip, even those infected with the coronavirus were brought to the polling stations because of power and position, which directly endangers the lives of hundreds of people involved in the election process, VMRO-DPMNE said in...

Macedonia 13.12.20 | 20:28

Mafia elections in Stip: 2017 mayoral elections and July parliamentary elections had had twice the voter turnout

In the parliamentary elections in Stip that were held this year on July 15, a total of 24,067 voters voted, out of which 10,141 for VMRO-DPMNE, and the voter turnout from the total number of voters was 56.88%. Voter turnout in Sunday’s early mayoral elections in Stip municipality is 34.30% until 6:30...

Macedonia 13.12.20 | 20:16

Voting in mayoral elections in Stip ends

About 14,500 citizens voted in the elections in Stip and the required census of 33.3 percent has been met, although so far there are no official data from the SEC. Now counting of the ballots by the election boards follows. The Analytical Center of SDSM will wait for the results, after which it will...

Macedonia 13.12.20 | 18:50

A vote in Stip elections costs 200 euros

Mass voter bribery is taking place during the mayoral elections in Stip. According to the information of Kurir.mk “, 10 -12,000 denars were given to the citizens of Stip to vote for a certain political party and candidate. According to “Kurir”, businessmen and suspicious people are...
